The organism that will carry out the students’ admission processes will be the Doctoral Progamme Academic Committee of each participating university, taking into account the admission criteria approved by the Master’s Degree Academic Committee.
Aspects and merits to be assessed are:
-Qualifications obtained by the candidate in the degree and master’s degree programmes (50%).
-Results derived from the Master’s degree thesis (publications and communications to congresses) (25%)
-Knowledge of English (10%)
A motivation letter where the research work to carry out is explained (10%).
-Other merits of te CV related to research training (5%)
A high assessment (a 30%) in the merits provided by the candidate in activities for research initiation is compulsory for this doctoral programme
due to its researching orientation. Hence, in this doctoral programme we value the profile of students who have shown early inquisitiveness for
research (by collaboration grants, mobility scholarships like ERASMUS, aids for research introduction by the CSIC and other
entities and, lastly, original results obtained during the master’s degree’s thesis). In the motivation letter, the student’s interest in
developing a research project in the area of Molecular Nanoscience is valued, but, in particular, the relationship between the student’s previous research
and this research project.