Programme code: 3169

Regulations: Royal Decree 99/2011

Knowledge branch: Health sciences

Doctoral website:

Organised by:Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy

Management Centre:Postgraduate School

Participating Universities:Universitat de València Estudi General

Programme Coordinator:Amparo Oliver Germes

Places available for new students:15 places

Teaching languages:Valencian, Spanish and English.

Aims: The aim of this doctoral programme is to create an adequate training to further research into quality of life in the care of dependent groups because of disability, ageing, families with children with development problems, chronic diseases, or palliative care at the end of life. Aspects such as the promotion of autonomy, whether for positive ageing or through social entrepreneurship, are also main topics. Another equally important objective is to become an interlocutor between the university and society in training and research for the progress of quality of life in sensitive groups.


This doctorate was initially created by integrating doctoral programmes in Social and Health Care for Dependent People (ASSDE) and a research line in Physical Activity and Sport (RD 99/2011). Subsequently, at the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences a specific programme was verified and the interdisciplinary part of Promotion of Personal Autonomy and Socio-Health Care for Dependent People is essentially based on the collaboration between Nursing, Physiotherapy, Social Work. The Universitat de València has been recognised for years for its excellence in caring for sensitive groups. Therefore, it makes sense for this programme to be offered in a place where there is high recognition for teaching, research and management in the area of attention to diversity. The initial programme focused on social and health care for dependent people was the only one in this field: it existed with a generalist and multidisciplinary nature and was the only one with an integrated “health and social” perspective at national level, as the few existing programmes opted predominantly for an exclusively health-focused approach. Another important aspect is the emphasis on applied methodology, as most of the researchers supervising PhD theses work in this area of knowledge.

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