Programme code: 3152

Regulations: RD 99/2011

Knowledge branch: Social and legal science

Doctoral website:

Organised by:The Inter-University Institute of Psychology of Human Resources, Organizational Development and Quality of Working Life (IDOCAL)

Management Centre:Postgraduate School

Participating Universities:Universitat de València Estudi General; Universidad de Sevilla

Programme Coordinator:Coordinadora general: Ana Zornoza Abad Coordinadora U. de Sevilla: Nuria Gamero Vázquez Coordinadora U. de Valencia: Isabel Rodriguez Molina

Places available for new students:7 places (UV), 4 places (US)

Aims: The doctoral programme aims to offer an excellent training in research to contribute to the development of R&D&I in the field of Psychology of Human Resources with a relevant international cooperation to respond to the demands of society in the fields related to Human Capital Development and Human Resources, and improvement and development of organizations in their human and social aspects and in the quality of working life. It is an interuniversity programme in cooperation with the University of Sevilla that strengthens the collaboration maintained between both universities for more than a decade.

Description: Economic and social context that justifies the programme: There is a more than a century tradition in research in Psychology of Work, Organisations and Human Resources which has produced a wide variety of theoretical models, empirical evidence, tools and methodologies that have consolidated the professional practice not only of professionals in Psychology of Work and Organisations, but also of those who have been devoted to the management and development of Human Resources. The technological instruments developed through research are extraordinary (methodologies and instruments for job analysis, personnel selection, pay and incentive design, management and leadership, organizational change management, etc.). However, the profound changes in the world of work, enterprise and organizations, inter-organizational relationships, and labour market lead to a review, restatements or a profound change of these technologies, developing new methodologies to intensify the research required for its evolution. Due to the urgency and necessity of today, research in Psychology of Human Resources, must create and provide new knowledge, methodologies and technologies to face new social challenges and demands.