Degree number of credits: 60
Compulsory credits: 42
Final project: 18
Degree code: 2140
Years: 1
Teaching type: Semipresencial
Knowledge branch: HEALTH SCIENCES
Master degree website:
Places available for new students: 25
Minimum number of enrolment credits per student: 36
Price per credit
[2024-2025 academic year]: 35.34€
Management Centre: Faculty of Physics
Languages used in class: Spanish
Participating Universities: University of Valencia
Academic Coordinating Committee: Rosa María Cibrián Ortiz de Anda (Director)
Facundo Ballester Pallarés
Joan Vila Francés
Javier Vijande Asenjo
Emilio Higón Rodríguez
Mª Ángeles Sáez Miralles (PAS)
Academic, scientific or professional interest: The latter, radiophysicists, or physicians experts in radiations, carry out in hospitals specific healthcare tasks such as the planning of radiotherapy treatments, the control of radiology equipments, and the design and control of the radiological facilities, the control of personnel and the zones exposed to radiations, etc. These tasks are legislated since the programme of access to Hospital Resident Radiophysician Intern was created.
The Royal Decree 220/1997, of 14 February, creates and regulates the obtaining of the official title of Specialist in Hospital Radiophysics, as of postgraduate regulated training, of theoretical-practical nature, being indispensable the developing of practical aspects through a system of residences in hospitals, with a training period of three consecutive years, through which the student obtains the speciality of Hospital Radiophysicist that qualifies for the professional development of the tasks mentioned before. In order to access the different teaching units recognised for the training of Specialists in Hospital Radiophysics it is necessary to pass a test of national character depending on the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs which selects candidates (holders of degrees in Physics or any other advanced degree in scientific and technological disciplines).
Although this Master's Degree does not provide with a training of Specialist in Radiophysics, training can only be accessed through the sistem of hospital residence, it does expects to train its students in the physical and technological aspects that are needed as a basis to go in depth in the field of Medical Physics, both in the aspects related with radiotherapy and nuclear medicine as in other aspects of application of Physics to Medicine; both in its practical application as in associated research to this field of knowledge.
PhD programme linked to this Master’s programme: Doctorate in Physics and Doctorate in Physiology