The Chair Alcon-Universitat de València was born from an agreement signed by Alcon Spain and the Universitat de València. This Chair is about training, cultural and research activities aiming to permanently improve behaviours in the field of ophthalmology; promoting attendance and organisation of congresses, seminars, conferences, courses, training and university extension activities.

From the creation of the Chair, its members have been developing an intense research labour in subjects related to optics, optometry and ophthalmology, especially those related with the optical and visual quality, transmittance, scattering and effect of UV rays, visual perception and multispectral image. In this sense, the goals of the institution are the following:

  • To obtain optical quality of intraocular lenses, contact lenses in vitro. To elaborate a protocol;
  • To transmit intraocular lenses, contact lenses, lens and cornea of different animals and humans;
  • To get light diffused (scattering) in intraocular explanted lenses, lens and cornea of different animals and humans;
  • To get the effect of UV light in intraocular explanted lenses, lens and cornea of different animals and humans;
  • To obtain optical live quality and visual quality in eyes of patients with intraocular implanted lenses or with pathologies.

Study lines

Among the main study lines developed by the Chair Alcon-Universitat de València, the following ones must be highlighted:

Line 1.

Study of the optical characteristics of intraocular lenses and contact lenses by the Full University Professor of Optics in the UV and Director of the Chair Alcon-Universitat de València José María Artigas Verde takes part along with the Professor Mª Carmen García Domene, Dr Cristina Peris Martínez, Dr María José Luque Cobija and Dr Mª Amparo Díez Ajenjo.

Line 2.

Analysis of the light diffusion (“scattering”) in intraocular lenses, contact lenses and lens and corneas of pigs and humans by the Full University Professor of Optics of the Universitat de València and Director of the Chair Alcon-Universitat de València José María Artigas Verde, professor Mª Carmen García Domene, Dr Cristina Peris Martínez, Dr Mª José Roig Revert, Dr Esther Fernández López and Dr Mª Amparo Díez-Ajenjo.

Line 3.

Spectral transmissions of contact and intraocular lenses, lens and corneas of pigs and humans. Effect of the UV radiation by the Full University Professor of Optics of the Universitat de València and Director of the Chair Alcon-Universitat de València José María Artigas Verde, professor Mª Carmen García Domene, Dr Cristina Peris Martínez, Dr Mª José Roig Revert and Dr Esther Fernández López.

Line 4.

Visual perception through the use of the ATD analyzer where the Full University Professor of Optics in the UV and Director of the Chair Alcon-Universitat de València José María Artigas Verde takes part along with the Professor Mª Carmen García Domene, Dr María José Luque Cobija and Dr Mª Amparo Díez Ajenjo.