On May 25-26th 2023 the research group LENA (North American Ethnic Minority Literatures in a Global Context) willl host the international symposium North American Ethnic Literatures in the 21st Century: Intersectional / Transatlantic Perspectives at Universitat Jaume I in Castellón. The symposium is organized by LENA members and funded by the Universitat Jaume I and the Generalitat Valenciana (Proyecto I+D+i “Reconfiguraciones de género, raza y clase social en la literatura étnica norteamericana de la era Obama/Trump” – GV/AICO/2021/249).
Featuring four plenary speakers and numerous international experts on critical race theory and ethnic literatures from North America and Europe, our symposium aims to be a platform for the scholarly exchange of cutting edge ideas on literature, identity, and social justice.
Collaborating entities include Universitat de València, the Unesco Chair on Slavery and Afrodescendancy at Universitat Jaume I, Castellón's municipal council, and the Western Literature Association.
More information can be found at the symposium's official website: