The research staff recruitment at the Universitat de València is regulated in the "Regulations of the research staff of the Universitat de València (GC 27-XI-2012)", approved in accordance with the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, the Organic Law of Universities and the Law of Science, and the provisions of Article 156 of the Constitution of the Universitat de València.
The Regulation distinguishes between the following types of contracts for research staff at the UV:
- Non-doctoral research staff (PIND).
- Trainee Research Staff (PIF).
- Other types of non-doctoral research staff.
- Doctoral research staff (PID).
Current open recruitment opportunities are published on the HR website.
There are also other calls that allow the incorporation to the UV of new researchers, both pre-doctoral and post-doctoral, highlighting the following:
- Grants for the training of pre-doctoral research staff, within the framework of the "Atracción de Talento” [Talent Attraction] sub-programme.
- Grants for pre-doctoral contracts for the training of doctors.
- Grants for University Teacher Training (FPU).
- Grants for Juan de la Cierva (JDC) contracts.
- Grants for Ramón y Cajal (RYC) contracts.
- Grants for technical support staff (PTA) contracts.
- Grants for the recruitment of pre-doctoral trainee research staff, VALi+d Programme.
- Grants from the Santiago Grisolía programme.
- Grants for the recruitment of post-doctoral trainee research staff, VALi+d Programme.
- Grants for the recruitment of support staff linked to a project for the transfer of research or innovation results.