The Science Act states that public universities "...shall promote geographical, intersectoral and interdisciplinary mobility, as well as mobility between the public and private sectors under the terms provided for in this Article, and shall recognise its value as a means of strengthening scientific knowledge and the professional development of research staff".
The UV, in compliance with this mandate and its own strategy in the field of research, promotes the mobility of its researchers by funding specific actions through its own grants programme, and support in the application and management of external grants, highlighting the following:
- Grants for stays by beneficiaries of pre-doctoral research staff training programmes
- Grants for short stays in other universities and research centres
- Grants for Visiting Researchers Stays
- National Plan for Scientific, Technical Research and Innovation 2013-2016.
- Pre-doctoral mobility grants for short stays in R&D centres.
- "José Castillejo" mobility stays abroad for young doctors.
- Grants for stays of grantholders and pre-doctoral contract holders in research centres outside the Valencian Community
- Grants for stays of doctoral research staff in research centres outside the Valencian Community
- Grants for stays of research staff in companies in the Valencian Community