In the Palacio de Cerveró (Palace of Cerveró), head office of the Institute of History of Medicine and Science 'López Piñero', and the Residence Hall 'REctor Peset' (UVEG)
The Institute of History of Medicine and Science 'López Piñero' (joint mission of the University of Valencia and the CSIC), and the 'Societat Catalana d'Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica' (Calatonian Society of History of Science and Technology) organise the 12th Conference, that will take place from the 15th to the 18th of November in the Palacio de Cerveró (Palace of Cerveró), head office of the IHMS, and the Residence Hall 'Rector Peset' (UVEG). The objective of this scientific meeting, which is hold every two years, is to make known the research papers and activities that members carry out, as well as the studies of all the historians of science, technology and medicine that may want to participate.
In this 12th Conference on History of Science and Technology collaborates the InfoTV producer, the 'Centre de Cultura Contemporània Octubre' (Center of Contemporary Culture 'Octubre') and the Residence Hall 'Rector Peset'. The opening session will be hold in the Palacio de Cerveró (Palace of Cerveró) on Thursday 15 November at 11:00, to which will attend Antonio Ariño, vice-rector of Culture and Equality of the UVEG, José Pío Beltrán, institutional coordinator of the CSIC in the Community of Valencia, as well as Mònica Rius, chairwoman of the SCHCT.
Of the group of four conferences, only the ones refered as plenary sessions will be open to the public in general. The first one of the four will take place on 15 of November, at 12:00, after the opening session. It bears the title 'La canyamel: pervivència de tècniques en el seu aprofitament' (Canyamel: Survival of techniques to its use) and will be imparted by Ana Labarta (UVEG). The second one of the plenary sessions will take place on Friday 16, at 18:30, under the title 'Place, Space, Nation, Globe: Thinking about the Geographies of Science' by professor Charles W.J. Withers (SChool of GeoSciences, UNiversity of Edinburgh). On the third day, at 17:30, the conference Natural History and Vindication of the Rights of woman will be read by Sharon Ruston (Chair in Nineteenth Century Literature and Culture, University of Salford). And the last one of the four conferences which will be open to public participation, will take place Sunday 18, at 12:15, under the title '(De)construcció pública del metge expert a l'Espanya pre-il·lustrada: la polémica entre Martín' (Public (de)construction of the expert medic in the pre-Enlightenment Spain: the controversy between Martín) and will be imparted by Jesús María Galech Amillano (CEHIC, UAB). With the exception of the first of the plenary sessions which will take place in the conference room of the Palacio de Cerveró (Palace of Cerveró), the other three will take place in the Residence Hall 'Rector Peset'.
Among the objectives of the 'Societat Catalana d'Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica' (Calatonian Society of History of Science and Technology) stands out the prompting of historical researches - without excluding the studies of individuals and society - of every periods, every place and every rigorous working approaches, wether from a point of view of the production and discovering of scientific theories, scientific thinking and of technological innovations or from the point of view of its application and spread, including teaching.
ScheduleFrom 15 november 2012 to 18 november 2012. Thursday, friday and saturday at 11:00 to 19:00.
Conference Room of the institute (Palace of Cerveró. Cisneros square, 4. Valencia)
The Institute of History of Medicine and Science 'López Piñero' (joint mission of the University of Valencia and the CSIC), and the 'Societat Catalana d'Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica' (Calatonian Society of History of Science and Technology)..