- The Universitat de València expresses its unequivocal commitment to maintaining the highest ethical and legal standards, as well as the adoption and promotion of the principles of public integrity, impartiality and honesty in all its spheres of action. The objectives of this commitment are to demonstrate radical opposition to fraud, corruption and conflicts of interest in the exercise of its functions and activities; to promote the firm reinforcement of mechanisms for their prevention, detection and correction in a timely and appropriate manner; and to achieve the greatest possible dissuasive effect in the face of any type of corrupt or fraudulent activity.
- All members of the university community are expected to take ownership of this institutional commitment.
- As a manifestation of this, the Governing Council, at its plenary meeting on 13th December 2021, approved the Roadmap on public integrity measures, the prevention and fight against fraud, corruption and conflicts of interest (ACGUV2021-303), which defines the initial procedure for dealing with the prevention and correction of conflict of interest situations, establishes an internal whistleblowing channel and provides for the constitution of the Public Integrity Committee.
- The Universitat de València will periodically review and update its policy of public integrity and fight against fraud, corruption and conflicts of interest through the Public Integrity Committee, ensuring due diligence in the implementation of corrective measures.
- In short, the Universitat de València has implemented effective and proportionate anti-fraud measures and has a robust control system designed to prevent and detect, as far as possible, acts of fraud and to correct their impact, should they occur.
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