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ACTIVA CULTURA is a competition aimed at students of the Universitat de València, who are studying official or undergraduate degrees, master’s degree or doctorate, to promote cultural and artistic practices as a means of expression and social criticism. Proposals may be submitted by individuals or through collectives, associations or groups of individuals.

Objective of the call

The purpose of this call for proposals is to promote creativity and critical reflection through culture. To this end, the best unpublished proposals will be selected to be carried out at any of the centres and campuses that make up the Universitat de València according to suitability and availability during the 2023/2024 academic year.


Call’s resolution and bases  III Activa Cultura (From 12/14/2023 to 02/29/2024)

Resolution extension of the submission deadline until March 22, 2024 [+]

Resolution to correct material error members Evaluation Commission III Activa Cultura [+]

Resolution appointment of members of the evaluation commission III Activa Cultura [+]

Resolution provisional list of admitted and excluded applications III Activa Cultura [+]

Final list of admitted and not admitted III Activa Cultura [+]

Resolution granting aid III Activa Cultura [+]





This competition is open to students of the Universitat de València who, at the time of the call, are studying official studies or a undergraduate degrees, Master’s degree or doctoral programme, and who submit their proposals, either personally or through associations, collectives or groups of individuals.


DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS (From 12/14/2023 to 02/29/2024)  Extension of submission deadline until March 22, 2024 (Pending publication in the DOGV)

The deadline for submitting applications will begin on the day following the publication of the extract of the resolution of the call in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat Valenciana (DOGV), and will end on February 29, 2024.



The total amount of the grants to be awarded is €16,000. The evaluation committee will select up to 8 proposals, each of which will receive €2,000 in funding. The budget presented by the applicant must be viable and strictly in line with the amount requested, as no additional costs will be covered. The financial amount will be subject to the legally established deductions in accordance with tax legislation.


APPLICATION FORM                                                                                

Before applying or making an enquiry, please read the RULES (From 12/14/2023 to 02/29/2024) of the call.  Extension of submission deadline until March 22, 2024

Applications for this competition must be made using the forms accessible through the website ENTREU application (Online Office of the Universitat de València), with the username and password of the Universitat de València. Similarly, applications may also be submitted on paper, through the registers regulated in Article 16 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, of the Common Administrative Procedure on Public Administrations.


When filling in the ENTREU form you must complete:

-Types of Target unit: University Services and Central Services.

Name of Target unit: University Culture Service.

Target group: 3rd Activa Cultura Contest.


The application must be accompanied by the following documentation:

a) The application form, duly filled in and signed (Annex II).

b) Photocopy of the DNI (Spanish ID card), NIE (Foreigner Identification Number) or passport of all participants. In the case of associations or groups, the NIF (Spanish ID number used for tax purposes) of the association will also be required.

c) If the applications are submitted by groups or associations, the certificate of registration in the Census of Associations of the Universitat de València must be included.

d) CV of the student. If the application form is submitted by an association, team or collective, a report of the activities carried out must be presented.

e) Responsible statement from each of the applicants for the grant, according to the standard form provided by the University Culture Service, certifying compliance with tax and Social Security obligations, and that they do not fall into any of the circumstances set out in articles 13.2 and 13.3 of Law 38/2003 on General Subsidies. In the event that applications are submitted by groups or associations, the individual declaration of each participant must be included (Annex III). 



For any enquiries related to the call for applications, please contact:
