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ACTIVA MÚSICA is a competition aimed at members with active links to the Universitat de València at the time of this call: Undergraduate Degree, Master's Degree or PhD students of official or specific studies, teaching and research staff (PDI), administration and services staff (PAS), either individually or through associations, collectives or groups of individuals where at least one of the members belong to one of the groups that make up the university community. Staff belonging to the Foundations of the Universitat de València may also participate.


The aim of this call is to promote musical practices and to make the creativity of our university community visible. To this end, 10 proposals for musical performances will be selected to be presented at the Centre Cultural La Nau or in any other space of the Universitat de València.

Resolution and bases IV Activa Música [+]  (From 05/14/2024 to 06/14/2024)

Resolution to extend deadlines for submitting applications [+]

Resolution provisional list of admitted and not admitted applications IV Activa Música [+]

Resolution appointment of members of the IV Activa Música evaluation commission [+]

Resolution final list of admitted and not admitted applications IV Activa Música [+]

Resolution granting aid IV Activa Música [+]




Any member actively linked to the Universitat de València at the time of this call may participate: undergraduate degree, master's or doctorate students of official or specific studies, teaching and research staff (PDI), administration and services staff (PAS), either individually, or through associations, groups or groups of individuals where at least one of the members belong to one of the groups that make up the university community. Likewise, the grouping of such groups of this University will be able to participate. Staff belonging to the Universitat de València foundations may also participate. 


APPLICATION SUBMISSION PERIOD (From 05/14/2024 to 06/14/2024)

The application submission period kickstarts from the day after of publication of extract of the call’s resolution in the Oficial Diary of Valencian Government (DOGV), and terminates 20 working days after the said publucation.



The total amount of aid to be granted is 5,000 €. The evaluation committee will select up to 10 proposals for musical performances worth €500 each. The monetary amount will be subject to the legally established withholdings in accordance with the tax legislation.



Before submitting an application or making an inquiry, read the call’s BASES. 

Applications for this competition must be submitted through the forms accessible through ENTREU (Electronic Processing Platform of the Universitat de València), with the user and password of the Universitat de València. Staff belonging to the Universitat's foundations, if they are not obliged by their own regulations to interact with the Universitat by electronic means, may also submit applications on paper through the registers regulated by article 16 of Law 39/2015 of October 1st, on the common administrative procedure for public administrations. 


When filling in the ENTREU form you must complete:

-Target Unit Types: University services and Central services.

- Target Unit Name: University Culture Service

- Target group: 4th Activa Música Competition 


The application must be accompanied by the following documentation:

a) The application’s form, completed and signed (Annex II).

b) Photocopy of the DNI, NIE or passport of the participant or of the group or group of individuals and, if applicable, the NIF of the association.

c) CVs of applicants. If the project is presented by an association, group or group of individuals, in addition to the report of the activity carried out by the association, group or group of individuals, the individual CVs of the persons participating in the project must be provided.

d) Declaration of responsibility of each the participants in the competition, according to standard model provided by the University Culture Service, evidencing the fulfilment of tax obligations and of the Social Security, and that none incur any of the circumstances set out in articles 13.2 and 13.3 of the General Grant Law 38/2003. In case of applications submitted by groups or associations, must be incorporated the Declaration of responsibility of each of the participants. (Annex III). 



For any query related to the call please contact:
