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Cartel de Relatos
Relats: la diversitat LGTBI a la nostra Universitat

In the framework of the aids called by the Office of the Vice-Principal for Equality, Diversity and Sustainability a group of professors of Administrative Law is developing an initiative that, under the title "Relats: la diversitat LGTBI a la nostra Universitat" (Valencian for Stories: LGBTI Diversity at our University), tries to know the experiences of the university community in relation to the LGBTI collective.

That is why we invite you to participate by sending us short stories (max. 4000 characters) that help to show the reality of the LGBTI group in our University from any kind of perspective (family, educational, work, social, affective), both in relation to positive experiences about inclusion or respect and in relation to denouncing situations of discrimination or rejection. Any member of the university community can send us their story through this form, which guarantees anonymity.


The aim of this activity is to analyse the extent to which the regulation responds to the problems and needs of this group, as well as the repercussions that the new legislative provisions in this area envisage, whether or not they are known and what the degree of acceptance is by the university community. After the analysis, a document will be drawn up with the conclusions, as well as a selection of the stories that arouse most interest among all those presented, taking into account the guarantees required by the right to the protection of personal data.

The activity is aimed at the entire university community of the Universitat de València (Teaching and Research staff, Administrative and Service Staff, Students…).

The questionnaire will be open until 30 September 2020.

This activity is part of the "Benvinguda diversitat" (Welcome Diversity) programme, which is a project that is part of the Benvinguda a la Universitat, organised by the Students' Delegation through the Sedi. Benvinguda is a meeting point for the university community that includes music, theatre, art, etc. This year, the diversity programme includes the activities selected in the first edition of the call for grants for the implementation of socio-cultural activities in the field of equality in diversity, which will take place during the months of September to November 2020.

Thank you very much for your collaboration!



ScheduleFrom 27 july 2020 to 30 september 2020. Every day at 00:00 to 23:55.



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Contact diversitats@uv.es

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