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¿Te matricularás en la Universitat?
Are you going to enrol at the UV? Online briefing

The Information and Promotion Service (Sedi) is once again organising an information session on access and admission to the Universitat de València aimed at future university students and their families. Entitled ¿Te matricularás en la Universitat? Sesión informativa en línea (Spanish for Will you register at the UV? Online briefing), the activity will be held on Wednesday 15 July, at 12 noon, on the Youtube Channel of the Sedi.

The session will address issues such as pre-enrolment, the operation of waiting lists, enrolment, fees and exemptions and scholarships, and will review the dates and documentation to be taken into account, both in the ordinary phase (July) and in the extraordinary phase (September). In addition, a Q&A session will be held to answer questions from the public via live chat.


ScheduleFrom 1 july 2020 to 15 july 2020. Every day at 12:00 to 13:30.


Sedi YouTube Channel

Organized by

SeDi Information and Promotion Service.



Contact coneixer@uv.es

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