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Vista Castillo de Alaquàs
Autumn University of Alaquàs

2nd edition of the Autumn University of Alaquàs

The Revolt of the Brotherhoods (1519-1522) was a complex social and political movement in the Kingdom of Valencia that led to a Civil War. The perception of a problem of cohabitation is an important part of its aetiology. The guilds rose in arms to repel a possible Muslim attack, the noblemen rejected it and, in the middle of the tension, the Mudejar vassals received most of the reprisals of the Christians. In this period, the agermanats promoted some baptisms and in 1525 forced the conversion of Mudejars, that became moriscos. Specialised researchers will address the event. Additionally, there will be a debate between specialist in several disciplines in which the audience will also participate, stressing new lines and techniques of study and research.

The Universitat de València, that is committed to the territory and the local Valencian society, promotes this academic action, alongside with he education research and transference of knowledge, that aims to turn Alaquàs and its administrative region into a referent.


ScheduleFrom 2 october 2019 to 3 october 2019. Wednesday and thursday at 18:00 to 20:30.


Castillo de ALaquàs

Organized by

La Universitat de València a través del vicerrectorado de Proyección Territorial y Sociedad junto a la Diputación de Valencia con la colaboración del Ayuntamiento de Alaquàs..



Contact unitatsuport@uv.es

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