Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Economics Logo del portal

Raspberry pi
Build and design your own supercomputer with Raspberry Pi. Registration open.

Coming from different fields, vast amounts of data shall be evaluated on a daily basis (the so-called Big Data), to both private companies and public entities. For making this possible, the use of clusters or supercomputers is necessary. Those clusters or supercomputers must have the ability to process all that information to offer a comprehensive analysis, or new data on which the professionals who use them rely.

The development, use and maintenance of the supercomputers has usually had a high demand at the professional level in the field of computer engineering. Nevertheless, at present times, many of the professional contexts, into which those graduated from Engineering Studies will be incorporated, value or demand more and more knowledge on supercomputing.


Date From 9 march 2020 to 3 april 2020. 24h. Every day.


Classroom 2.0.3, School of Engineering (UV) Burjassot Campus

Organized by

University Extension Service.



Contact cursosextensio@uv.es

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