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Call for scholarships from the Valencian Government for the year 2019/2020
Call for scholarships from the Valencian Government for the year 2019/2020

In line with the resolution of the 30th of December, 2019, of the Valencian Ministry of Innovation, Universities, Sciences, and Society, a call for scholarship is open for those willing to pursue university studies during the academic year of 2019-2020 at the universities of the Valencian Community.

To access the application, the candidates will have to upload a digital certificate or use a Cl@ve system, so we recommend starting the procedure as soon as possible.

All the application procedure is done in an electronic form, so there is no need to bring any documents to the secretary of the faculty.

Applications can be submitted from the 11th of February until the 9th of March.

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Date From 11 february 2020 to 9 march 2020. 24h. Every day.



Organized by

Valencian Government.


Contact secretariafde@uv.es

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