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5UCV Startup, hasta 20.500 € en premios
5UCV STARTUP CONTEST: up to 20,500€ for the best entrepreneur projects

The contest is organised by the Universitat de València, through the office of the Vice-dean of Innovation and Transfer with the sponsorship of the programme LLAMP 5UCV_Campus of Innovative and Sustainable Entrepreneurship of the Council of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sectors, Business and Work.

In the call can take part business that have been created for less than three years (StartUp category), and entrepreneurs with a business project that has not become a business yet (Junior category). In both cases, at least one of the business or innovation project founders must be graduated, student or degree holder by the Universitat de València.

The Universitat de València will choose, in a first phase, two candidacies by modality, which will be awarded with 1,500 € for the StartUp category and 750€ for the Junior category. These four candidacies will compete in the second phase of an interuniversity contest with the ones chosen by the five Valencian public universities.

In the second phase, each candidacy will have to expose publicly his/her project and business activity in front of a selection committee named by the Generalitat Valenciana, and that will reward the three bests with 9,000 €, 5,000 € and 3,000 € to the StartUp category and with 1,000€ to the Junior category. Prizes will be rewarded in an official act organised by the Council of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sectors, Business and Work.

The deadline for submitting candidacies will end on the next 30 June.


Date From 1 june 2023 to 30 june 2023. 24h. Every day.



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Contact uvempren@uv.es

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