Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Economics Logo del portal

Talleres de lenguas y culturas
Discover languages and cultures this spring!

Register for the workshops of Chinese, Italian, French, Romanian, English, Gaelic, and German languages and cultures. The university offers an opportunity to improve your knowledge of the languages you already speak and learn new ones, classes are free of charge!

These multilingual classes will take place from 17th February till 22 May in “Beatriu Civera” Buildings.

To participate in the courses, you should be currently involved with the university community. In case you are not related to the university, you can sign up for membership at Alumni UV.

Find more information and registration details here: www.spluv.es/tallers


Date From 17 february 2020 to 22 may 2020. 24h. Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday.


“Beatriu Civera” Buildings

Organized by

Language Policy Service.

Universitat de València


Contact spl@uv.es

More information