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Do you want to enrol in an international internship on entrepreneurship?

The Universitat de València, through the Office of the Vice-Principal for Employment and Training Services, launches for the sixth consecutive year the call of the Programme University Junior International Entrepreneurs (UJIE). The goal is to contribute to the development of entrepreneurial talent by carrying out external academic internships lasting two months in host organisations outside Spain.

To achieve the objective of the call, this year, the UJIE programme offers a total of ten mobility grants worth 2,000 euros each. The internship abroad will be related to the business idea presented by the beneficiary. This programme is compatible with the Erasmus Internships Program. The grants will be paid in advance to the beneficiaries and the two-month stay can be enjoyed until 31st December 2020.

The call is aimed at persons enrolled in official Degree, Master’s Degree or Doctoral Studies of the Universitat de València with the purpose of enabling their training in international entrepreneurship. The aims of this programme are for the participants to be strengthened in entrepreneurial and transversal skills, to be trained in the preparation of business and internationalisation plans and to encourage the creation of professional relationships at an international level, increasing their motivation for the entrepreneurship adventure.

Among other requirements, undergraduate students must have passed at least 50 % of the credits of their Degree. In addition, all applicants must have at least a B2 level in the language used for the internship.

This programme is framed within the signed agreement between the Universitat de València and the Valencian Department for Sustainable Economy, Productive Sectors, Trade and Labour, which funds grants for the implementation of the activities of the Programme “Campus of Innovative Entrepreneurship”.

The deadline for submitting applications will remain open from 20th February to 31st March and can be done through the online office of the Universitat de València.

The bases of the programme can be consulted in the Official Board of the UV. More information in the following link.



Date From 19 february 2020 to 31 march 2020. 24h. Every day.


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