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Participants in a previous edition of the awards
The Faculty of Economics calls for the 8th FdE Entrepreneurship Prize

On the occasion of the 19th Employment and Entrepreneurship Forum to be held on 29th and 30th January at the Faculty of Economics, the 8th edition of the FdE Entrepreneurship Awards has been announced.

This competition rewards the implementation of the best business project carried out by young students or graduates of the Faculty of Economics. The company created by the candidates must be active and can be of any sector of economic activity.

The applications can be submitted until January 27th 2020. The winning project will receive an award of €1,000.

The contests conditions are published in the following link and in the UV Official Board (To be published in the DOGV).


ScheduleFrom 18 december 2019 to 27 january 2020. Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday at 10:00 to 13:00.


See item 5 of the Call.

Organized by

Faculty of Economics. .


Contact fac.economia@uv.es

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