Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Economics Logo del portal

Sesiones informativas Prácticas y Trabajo Fin de Grado
Internship and Degree Final Project Information Sessions

Information sessions will be held by videoconference in early July. An email will be sent to you with the date, time and link to the videoconference.

In the page of Internships and Degree Final Project, you can check the day and time of the sessions, as well as check the sessions' presentations explaining the most relevant aspects of the internships and the Degree Final Project. You can also check the Internship Calendar, which is already updated. Soon we will also have published the EP Guide.

So that you can schedule your agenda, the sessions will take place on the following days:

Degree in Finance and Accounting1 July, 10:30Videoconference
Degree in Tourism1 July, 12:30Videoconference
Degree in International Business3 July, 10:30Videoconference
Degree in Economics3 July, 12:30Videoconference
Degree in Business Management

and Administration

6 July, 10:30Videoconference
Degree in Business Management

and Administration

7 July, 12:30Videoconference

Double Degree in Tourism + 

Business Management  and Administration

6 July, 12:30Videoconference

Degree in Business Management

and Administration (Ontinyent)

7 July, 10:30Videoconference


ScheduleFrom 1 july 2020 to 7 july 2020. Monday, tuesday, wednesday and friday at 10:30 to 11:30.



Organized by

Faculty of Economics.


Contact practicaseconomia@uv.es