Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Economics Logo del portal

Learn Catalan! A1, A1+ & A2 courses [until 20/9]
Learn Catalan! A1, A1+ & A2 courses [until 20/9]

Free Catalan A1/A1+ & A2 courses for UV students

The University of Valencia offers free Catalan A1/A1+ and A2 language courses for international students. The courses are entirely online and run for four months (from 5 October to 16 December). Sessions are 40 hours and worth is 1.5 credits. Registration is open until 20 September.

More information and registration here.


Date From 7 september 2020 to 20 september 2020. 24h. Every day.



Organized by

Servei de Política Lingüística.



Contact llengues@uv.es

More information