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Online Briefing
Online Briefing Master's Degree in Business Process Planning and Management

Are you interested in studying the Master's Degree in Business Process Planning and Management in the academic year 2020/21? Can we help you?

So that you can get to know "our way of doing things" and you can send us your doubts, we propose you:

1. Blackboard Collaborate session on May 29th at 17:00 h.

In this session, open to students from any university or country, we intend to give you a brief presentation of the master's degree and answer any questions you may have.

To participate in this briefing, just click on the link for the session at the time specified.

If you have a microphone you can ask us questions directly and if not, you can do it through the chat as well.

Click on this link.

2. Presentation of the master's degree (Link Not available in English)

3. Our students tell you. Simply that. They tell you how they have experienced it: Link (Not available in English).

If you have doubts and you want us to help you in a more personalised way, please contact us: angeles.perez@uv.es



Date 29 may 2020 at 17:00 to 18:00. Friday.



Organized by

Master's Degree in Business Process Planning and Management.


Contact angeles.perez@uv.es

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