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La Murta. Foto. José Carrillo
Open Registration for Erasmus in the Territory - La Ribera Alta: Cultivation of Oranges

The Universitat de València, through the Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Society and the Office of the Vice-Principal for International Relations and Cooperation is continuing with the ‘Erasmus in the Territory’ programme. In this 7th Edition, some formative itineraries that will show some Valencian municipalities references of its culture and its heritage have been organised.

La Ribera Alta: Cultivation of oranges

7 March 2020

La Ribera Alta is the territory par excellence of the Xúquer, the great river of the Valencian province. Being an eminently agricultural region, its economy is mainly based on the cultivation of oranges, which have been rationally cultivated since the XVIII century. The municipality of Carcaixent is therefore considered "the cradle of oranges".

To this landscape richness we can add the municipal nature site "La Murta y la Casella" (2004), located in the municipality of Alzira, with an area of 765.64 ha, where we can find the Monastery of La Murta (XIV-XV century), an old centre of culture and spirituality and a centre of pilgrimage for royalty, aristocracy and influential religious figures.


Date From 25 february 2020 to 6 march 2020. 24h. Every day.


Carcaixent - Alzira

Organized by

The Universitat de València, through the Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Society and the Office of the Vice-Principal for International Relations and Cooperation In collaboration with the Language Centre, the City Council of Carcaixent and the City Council of Alzira..


Contact unitatsuport@uv.es

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