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Vista de Enguera
Registration open for the 8th Edition of the Enguera’s Autumn University

The new forms of economic development, based fundamentally on knowledge due to the unstoppable and vertiginous advances in technology, make it much more necessary than ever to face these new economic and social challenges through training. Traditionally rural areas, such as the Canal de Navarrés, face enormous opportunities to take advantage of these challenges through education.

The spirit of the eight edition of the “Universidad de Otoño de Enguera” (UOE, Enguera’s Autumn University) Enguera y su Comarca. Nuevos retos sociales, económicos y educativos (Enguera and its county. New social, economic and educational challenges), organized by the Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Society of the Universitat de València, in collaboration of Enguera City Council, IES Enguera and with the founding of Valencian Provincial Council, it aims to bring Enguera and its county closer to the university, as a mean to face those new challenges.

The UOE is fundamentally informative, and is therefore an open forum for participation. It is designed for different types of audiences, from students in secondary education, training or university cycles, to teachers, retired people, unemployed people, administration technicians and any other group. Registration is free, due to the public nature of the Universitat de València and the participation of the Valencian Regional Government. Interested persons can register in the different modules to obtain a certificate of attendance.


Date From 24 october 2019 to 6 november 2019. 24h. Every day.


IES Enguera. Plaza Manuel Tolsá, s/n . Enguera

Organized by

Universitat de València en colaboración con la Diputación de Valencia y el Ayuntamiento de Enguera.


Contact unitatsuport@uv.es

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