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Tercera edición del Premio al Mejor TFG
Third edition of the Prize for the Best Final Degree Project (TFG) about the Vall d'Albaida region

The Vall d'Albaida Institute of Studies announces the third edition of the prize for the best TFG which investigates and provides new data related to the knowledge of any of the different aspects of the Vall d'Albaida region, and which has been presented within the ordinary programme of the studies being studied by whoever presents it (in the first or second call).

All students who have presented their final degree project within the university regulations of the university where they are studying can participate. Students from any university can present their work, provided that the subject of the research is aimed at the Vall d'Albaida region, from any aspect to be considered in their training speciality.

Consult here the complete bases


Date From 15 january 2021 to 22 october 2021. 24h. Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday.


Se deberá presentar la documentación en el IEVA

Organized by

Institut d'Estudis de la Vall d'Albaida.


Contact ieva@ieva.info

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