Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Economics Logo del portal

Welcome Incoming session

  • January 25th, 2019
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Last Friday, the 25th of January 25 at 9:30 am, the Faculty of Economics hosted the Welcome Incoming session for the Erasmus+ and the International Programs who will study in the second semester at the Faculty of Economics. We have received more than 200 students, from 110 universities and 43 countries around the world.

The University of Valencia receives about two thousands foreign exchange students each year. From these, more than 800 study at the Faculty of Economics, which implies that our faculty is a leading exchange centre in Europe. Further, we send more than 500 outgoing students, who participate in the Erasmus+ or other international mobility programs.

The Faculty of Economics internationalization programme is a cornerstone in the strategic plan of the Faculty. Therefore, we are pursuing negotiations to increase the number of international double degrees with various universities, as well as projects to expand the current international agreements. The Faculty of Economics offers 11 international double degrees in Business Administration and Management (ADE), in International Business (GIB) and in Economics (ECO). These double degrees are located in universities in Europe, the United States and Russia.