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Welcome Session Incoming Students

  • September 14th, 2021
Welcome Session Incoming Students

Last September 8th at 16:00h, the Faculty of Economics held one more year the Welcome Session for international students (Erasmus+ programme, International programme and SICUE programme) who will study in our centre during the first semester of 21-22.

An event that was held online due to Covid-19 and in which Francisco Muñoz, Dean of the Faculty and Asunción Hernández, Vice-Dean of International Relations welcomed the participants.

Of the 653 students enrolled for the first semester of the 21-22 academic year, almost 500, from 205 universities, from 46 countries around the world, took part in this welcome session.

Daniela Buzova, Incoming Mentoring Coordinator, was the main speaker of the session. Some mobility coordinators plus the Technical Staff of the International Relations Office were in charge of providing administrative information: e-mail, Virtual Secretaria, student card, certificates, etc. All of them, assisted by Catalina Cabrera and Fina Atienza, Administration staff, answered the students' questions through the chat. All the doubts about the teaching methodology in our Faculty and the development of the course in our Faculty were solved.

The Faculty also offers the Incoming Mentor programme, where students from the Faculty are trained to help, accompany and advise incoming students during their stay in our centre.

Finally, information was provided about the management and planning of international double degree students, as well as their integration into the Valencian culture.

You can consult the recording of the welcome session at this link

Welcome to the Faculty of Economics of the University of Valencia!