Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Economics Logo del portal

  1.- Language requirements for access and admission for all degrees and double degrees taught at the Facultat d'Economia (Spanish and Valencian):

Students with nationality from non-Spanish speaking countries and who come from an educational system other than Spanish, will have to prove one of the following two options:

A.-  B2 level in Spanish that must be certified by one of the organizations recognized by ACLES (Asociación de Centros de Lenguas de la Enseñanza Superior en España) and be verified and validated in the accreditation issued by the UNED.

B.- Certificate of Coneixements de València level B2 (Intermedi) of the University of Valencia or any other university of the Valencian Community or the Official Certificat B2 (or higher) of the Qualifying Board of the Generalitat Valenciana.

Equivalence Table of Language Accreditation of the University of Valencia

2.- Language requirements for access and admission (English) in the degrees of:

  • Double Degree in Law and Economics.
  • Business Intelligence and Analytics (BIA)

To access these degrees, level B1 of certified English is required before pre-registration, although B2 is recommended for better use of classes with teaching in English.