Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Economics Logo del portal

  • 14281: Know the main variables that affect the behaviour of different types of consumers.
  • 18183: Know the main models of purchasing behaviour and how to influence them.
  • 14332: Be able to develop the processes and tools for information gathering used in marketing and know the main methodologies for information analysis.
  • 18085: Be able to design products and services from the perspective of consumer needs.
  • 14333: Be able to analyse and make decisions on the product or service portfolio and its impact on value creation.
  • 14334: Know price information management processes and be able to set prices.
  • 18184: Know the functions, relations, agents and problems of commercial distribution and the main aspects of channel design and point of sale.
  • 14335: Be able to draw up a marketing plan at both a strategic and operational level.
  • 14336: Be able to solve complex marketing problems such as market segmentation, positioning and perception.
  • 14337: Understand the function of marketing communication, as well as its main instruments.
  • 14338: Be able to lead, train and motivate a sales team.
  • 14339: Be able to take relationships with customers beyond the interchange situations.
  • 18250: Understand the historical role of agents and institutions in economic, social and environmental activity.
  • 14340: Develop critical capacity on Spanish and international economic current affairs.
  • 14341: Be able to analyse the economic situation and understand its implications.
  • 14342: Know the main international economic institutions, with special emphasis on those of the European Union.
  • 14343: Be able to analyse basic forms of economic integration.
  • 14344: Know the impact of European Union policies on the business environment.
  • 14345: Know the Spanish tax framework, with special reference to the business environment.
  • 14346: Be able to understand and anticipate the tax situations to be faced by the company.
  • 14542: Understand the relationship between taxation and business decisions.
  • 14543: Understand the international dimension of taxation and its effect on business.
  • 14544: Be able to analyse formal and informal contracts and risk sharing.
  • 14545: Know the origin of the main economic problems, the mechanisms of long-term growth and how economic and non-economic factors have interacted throughout history.
  • 14591: Understand the main characteristics of Spanish and Valencian growth, growth factors, imbalances and micro and macroeconomic policies.