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Accounts and Budgeting Service carries out different functions in the following areas:


  • Elaboration of the budget of the University and Execution Budget Regulation.
  • Management of the budget amendment.
  • Registration of agreements and contracts with economic impact.
  • Certification of specific keys in the budget.
  • Communication of appropiation intakes to the management units.


  • Accountancy of all operations with economic impact in the accounting information system (SICUV) non-decentralised in the management units:
    • Initial appropiations and budget amendments.
    • Internal compensations and credit transfers.
    • Income budget operations.
    • Management of the budget chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 and 9.
    • Centralised payments.
    • Expenditures with foreign payments.
    • Expenditures and income of conferences and workdays with authorised bank accounts.
    • Rectification of accounting operations of the management units.
    • Closed budgets operations.
    • Extrabudgetary operations.
    • Treasury operations.
    • Debt operations.
    • Financial accounting operations.
  • Maintenance and updating of the accounting information system, SICUV.
  • Attention to consultations of internal and external users.

Economic management.

  • Centralised expenditures management:
    • Mail and others management.
    • Expenditure gratuities for assistances to the Entrance Examination Board.
    • Centralised management expenditures of transfers and grants awarded by the University.
    • Seize notification.


  • Management and coordination of the University treasury:
    • Control and administrative management of bank accounts.
    • Income and expenditures programming and investments of treasury temporary surpluses.
    • Coordination of decentralised fixed cash.
    • Management of athorised accounts for the organisation of conferences, courses and workdays.
  • Management of payments:
    • Centralised payments by proposal of the management units.
    • Foreign payments.
    • Payments due to justification.
    • Endorments processing.
    • Income refunds
  • Management of income:
    • Identification of bank transfer payments and check deposits.
    • Third party billing by proposal of the management units that do not count with a own income management system.
    • Charge claiming in coordination with the services of the University.
  • Management of debt operations.

Economic-Financial and budget information.

  • Elaboration of annual accounts and accountability to the control bodies.
  • Attention to audit entities of the annual accounts, facilitating information and coordinating the rest of the management units of the University. Elaboration of declaration to the reports.
  • Elaboration of economic-Financial and budget information for the bodies of the government.
  • Elaboration of economic-Financial and budget information for external entities ("Consellerias" of Economy and Universities, General Intervention of the "Generalitat Valenciana", Ministry of Economy, CRUE, etc.) and for internal users.
  • Elaboration of procedure regulation of economic management of the University, for an appropiate and efficient management of the public resources.
  • Attention to consultations of internal and external users.

Property inventory

Maintenance of the asset inventory of the inmobilised material and immaterial, in collaboration with the management units, revision of the admission of the management units, management of the rest of operations (low and reclassifications), and presentation of the inventory in 31 December before the Social Council.


Elaboration and presentation of the tax declarations of the University before the Official Tax Administration Authority and payment of tax and retentions.