Universitat de ValènciaHealth and Safety and the Environment Service Logo del portal

  1. Prepare the autoclave according to the operating instructions and check that the water is at the proper level.

  2. Enter the waste under the following guidelines:

    • If containers are single-use material (for example, Petri dishes), place them into sterilisation bags, and these metal containers in the autoclave, for easy handling and cleaning.

    • If the material is reusable (such as glassware, metal containers or plastic resistant to autoclave system), put it in orderly and securely (for example, the tubes should be in racks). Hermetically closed containers or those that contain liquids should not be completely closed for complete sterilization and prevent breakage.

    • The filling capacity is approximately 70% of the total.

  3. Set temperature and time up depending on the amount and type of waste, typically 121 °C for 20 minutes to ensure complete sterilization.

  4. Ensure that the process has been carried out correctly by a sterilization ribbon marker in each container or bag. As a control method, periodically enter a Bacillus stereotermophilus during the process and subsequently hatching to verify sterility.

  5. After autoclaving and drying the material, it can be removed as assimilable solid urban waste.

Regarding reusable material (such as pipes, racks, glassware, etc.), must be clean and dry. The waste and sterile disposable material bags, will cease to be like that when being in contact with the atmosphere, so it should be removed as solid waste before ferment or decompose.