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(Only for secure accesses- cryptographical, httpps- hence the insecure ones are to be extinct. They are marked with (*) the non-cryptophical accesses)


  • From the email (Accounts) or directly accessing the account serveryou can:
    • Activate or erase your virtual disk space
    • Obtain an occupancy report of your virtual disk
    • You can see what groups you belong to: its characteristics (members, permissions, active spaces…) and if your are administrator of a grup you can change the members, the access permissions; activate, erase and/or obtain an occupancy report of your virtual disk and/or of the group website.
  • Log in to see and update your disk spaces and groups via web: through “disk” or through “Postman” (File explorer).
  • Create data bases accessible through WODA (*)
  • Create permanent links to appoint places that often change: Link Server (*)
  • Tell your browser to always accept the university server’s certificates