Universitat de ValènciaInterdisciplinary Research Structure for Reading Logo del portal


Assessing digital reading skills across ages

In the midst of a pandemic radically transforming our societies, reading literacy in digital settings has become far relevant than ever. Given this context, describing young and adolescent students’ digital reading skills (main goal of this project), which includes the use of textual information from single and multiple documents, is of most interest for both practitioners and policy makers. This is in clear alignment with challenge 7 (National research plan. Society, Economy and Digital Culture), as it specifically deals with the goal of assessing how learners of different ages (from primary school learners to young adolescents) deal with different types of textual documents (single and multiple) and corresponding learning tasks. Over the last months, the digitalization of reading and learning has significantly accelerated due to the growing need to teach and learn from home. Students from different educational levels (from primary school to secondary education) have been moved to digital platforms where they could access the learning materials. It very frequently includes, at least in literacy domains and content-area learning, reading texts and solving learning tasks based on those documents. The challenge of describing the demands of these learning scenarios (using textual information from different types of digital texts), for students of different ages, is more relevant than ever. This is precisely the main purpose of this project. Project goal: to gain knowledge on how young students cope with the demands of today's reading contexts. Specifically, we raise three specific subgoals and their corresponding studies, to be conducted across three years: 1) the analysis of task-oriented reading skills with digital single texts in primary school children, 2) the study of integration and sourcing skills from multiple texts in primary school children, and 3) the study of advanced integration and sourcing skills with on-line tools in secondary and undergraduate students

Developers of the project
Interdisciplinary Research Management for Reading Research
Principal investigators:
  • Cerdan Otero, Raquel
  • PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
  • Coordinador/a de Programa de Doctorat
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Participating researchers:
  • Vidal-abarca Gamez, Eduardo
  • PDI-Emerit/a Universitat
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  • Martinez Gimenez, Tomas
  • PDI-Prof. Permanent Laboral Ppl
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  • Ferrer Manchon, Antonio M.
  • PDI-Titular d'Universitat
  • Coordinador/a Curs
  • Dega/Degana / Director/a Ets
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  • Serrano Mendizabal, Maria Angeles
  • PDI-Prof. Permanent Laboral Ppl
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  • Mañez Saez, Ignacio
  • PDI-Ajudant Doctor/A
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Non-UV participating researchers

Dr. Pilar Sellés. Universidad Católica de Valencia

UV work equipment
  • Skrobiszewska Klincewicz, Noemi
  • PI-Invest Doct Uv Junior
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Non-UV work equipment

Dr. Mônica Macedo-Rouet. Université Paris 8. Francia.

Dr. Jason Braasch. Georgia State University, USA.


Contact: Raquel.Cerdan@uv.es

Start date
2021 July
End date
2024 September
Funding agencies:




Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2017-2020

Referencia PID2020-117996RB-I00