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OCI’s staff visit University centers, services and institutes to carry out the “Auditoria de Regularitat 2018” (Regularity audit 2018) (executed budget 2017)

  • May 13rd, 2014
there is a woman sitting in front of a computer working in an office.

Visiting hours began on 7th May 2018

In our visits to the structural units of this University, we will control the expenses as well as the checking of the inventory of goods’ data, by the selection of an amount of units, varying every year, and for each of them a different type of goods subjected to checking.

The “Auditoria de Regularitat” (Regularity audit) must be fulfilled on a representative sample of expenses by following our traditional perspective. We have selected an amount of centers/institutes/services, etc. chosen in a preconceived sampling, according to a series of criteria (geographical, budget volume, typology). Once these units are elected, the sampling giving room to the expenses subjected to audit is of random type.

On each exercise, logically, the selected units vary thus, the expenses audit reaches all of them in a rational term.
