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Research and Libraries Committee

Articles 4 and 12 of the Internal Regulations of the Faculty of Law establish the competence of the Board of the Faculty to set up new Committees of the Faculty. The Research and Libraries Committee (CIBI) of the Faculty of Law is created in accordance with the procedure established by these regulations, by agreement 22/2021 of the Board of the Faculty of Law of October 18th, 2021. Given this agreement:

  1. The Research and Libraries Committee is responsible for reaching a consensus and establishing the guidelines and strategies of the Faculty's research and library policy. It is also responsible for the coordination and institutional relationship with the Research Institutes and the institutional Chairs linked to the Faculty.
  2. The functions of the Committee are the following:
    • The promotion and projection of the research carried out by the teaching and research staff of the Faculty, especially through the research website and the social networks of the centre, as well as of the University itself.
    • The resolution of the aids and grants that the Faculty may call for in order to favour, promote and disseminate the research of the teaching and research staff assigned to the faculty.
    • Advise on the proposal for the expenditure allocated to the item relating to Library and Research in accordance with the Faculty's budget lines, and to monitor the settlement.
    • Advise and guide on bibliographic acquisitions, establishing, where appropriate, criteria for the selection of monographs, collections of books and journals and all types of bibliographic material.
    • Proposing acquisitions, as well as maintaining, supervising and monitoring the collections of legal, criminological and political science journals of the Libraries and Documentation Service (SBD).
    • The supervision, together with the SBD staff, of the bibliographic acquisitions made by the Faculty, its departments and the Research Institutes attached to it, and their coordination, whenever necessary.
    • The revision of the databases subscribed to by the SBD, making the appropriate updating proposals.
    • Report on the provision of infrastructure, equipment and computer resources necessary for the functioning of the Faculty in terms of bibliographic information and research.
    • The designation, from among the members of the Commission, of those who should represent the faculty in the Commission of users of the "Gregori Mayans" library.
    • Establish the strategic lines of action with respect to the UN Depository Library (ONUBIB) of the Faculty of Law, as well as support and supervise the maintenance and updating of its collections and the other services it provides.
    • And, in general, advice on all matters relating to the areas of its competence, as well as on all other aspects related to the management of the "Gregori Mayans" library.
  3. The Committee will be composed of:
    • the Dean, or person delegated by them, who will chair it.
    • the responsible for the Office of the Vice-Dean with competence in economic matters
    • the administrator of the centre.
    • the responsible for the coordination of the Faculty's Doctoral programme (Law, Political Science and Criminology).
    • the person in charge of the academic management of the UN Depository Library (ONUBIB) of the Faculty of Law, appointed by the Dean.
    • a representative of each of the departments attached to the Faculty of Law, who is a member of the PDI attached to the Faculty; in the event that the department is made up of more than one area of knowledge, there will be a representative for each one of them.
    • a representative of each of the research institutes linked to the Faculty, who is a member of the PDI attached to the Faculty; - a representative of the PIF attached to the Faculty; - a representative of the PAS attached to the Faculty.
    • a representative of the students of the Doctoral programme of the Faculty.
    • In the case of persons representing an entity or group, their designation corresponds to the Board of the Centre.
  4. For its operation, the Committee may adopt organisational regulations and will in any case have the autonomy to carry out the functions assigned to it by these regulations and those that may be entrusted to it in the future. Decisions within the Committee will be taken by simple majority, with the Chair having a casting vote. The committee may appoint a secretary from among its members, if it deems it appropriate. The committee may organise itself into specialised sub-committees with delegated powers, if it deems it appropriate. The constitution of these subcommittees shall be agreed by an absolute majority of the full committee, to which they shall report on their activity, as well as on the decisions they have taken.

Members of the Committee

Research Subcommittee

According to JC 22/2021 agreement The committee -Research and Libraries- may organise itself into specialised sub-committees with delegated competences, if it deems it appropriate. The constitution of these subcommittees shall be agreed by an absolute majority of the full committee, to which they shall report on their activity, as well as on the decisions they have taken.

In this sense, by agreement of the CIBI, in its constitutive session held on April 7th 2022, the Research Subcommittee and the Libraries Subcommittee are created, delegating to the Research Subcommittee the competence for the resolution of the aids and grants that the Faculty may call for in order to favour, promote and disseminate the research of the teaching and research staff assigned to the faculty.

Members of the Research Subcommittee

Libraries Subcommittee

According to JC 22/2021 agreement The committee -Research and Libraries- may organise itself into specialised sub-committees with delegated competences, if it deems it appropriate. The constitution of these subcommittees shall be agreed by an absolute majority of the full committee, to which they shall report on their activity, as well as on the decisions they have taken. In this sense, by agreement of the CIBI, in its constitutive session held on April 7th 2022, the Research Subcommittee and the Libraries Subcommittee are created.

Members of the Libraries Subcommittee