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Hispano - French International Qualification in Law:

1. General Information

A double degree is a specific study programme established between two universities in different countries that allows the student to obtain two official degrees upon completion of the programme.

The Hispano-French International Qualification in Law is an international training programme of simultaneity in where the Faculty of Law of the University of Valencia and the Faculté de Droit et Science Politique de l'Université Toulouse 1 Capitole participates.

This programme enable students to obtain two titles (one Spanish and other French) within four years:

  • Degree in Law issued by the Universitat de Valencia (4 years)
  • Licence and Master 1 de Droit issued by the Université de Toulouse 1 Capitole (4 years)

More information

Those who are admitted to this programme must complete the first two years at the Faculty of Law, and the last two years at the Faculté de Droit et Science Politique de la Université de Toulouse 1 Capitole.

Table of equivalences U. Toulouse -  U. València

2. UV Students: Admission and 1st enrollment

The Hispanic-French Degree in Law has a separate selection process, which can be applied for by students admitted to the Degree in Law. Once it has been decided, those admitted will be provided with certain enrolment instructions.

Access to the Hispanic-French International Degree in Law is open to those who, after meeting the academic requirements, have been admitted by pre-enrolment to the Degree in Law, to study in 2024/2025.

In order to be admitted, it is essential to have a level of French equivalent to B2.

If the places offered are not taken up, students may opt for admission without this requirement on condition that they present proof of their B2 level before registering for the following academic year.

The language certificates accepted by the Universitat de València can be consulted in the following link:

In compliance with order 93/2006 of the Regional Ministry of Education, which modifies the annex that establishes a system for the recognition of competence in foreign languages, students who have passed the bilingual baccalaureate (in French) will have their level B2 recognised.

A total of 15 places are available.

Enrolment instructions 1º Group Toulouse 2024/2025

Admitted Students - Year 2024/25

NOTE: The pre-registration form can only be submitted from 12 to 15 July 2024 (until 2 p.m.) by email to (from the email used in the preinscription)

3. UV Students: 1st Year

This international degree requires the completion of all the subjects of the 1st year of the Law Degree. Those who do not pass the full course will not be able to continue in the program, continuing their studies in the Law Degree at the UV.

It is essential to accredit the B2 level of French at the end of the first academic year.

Once the first year of the Bachelor's Degree in Law has been completed, students who continue in the double degree program must self-register for all 2nd year subjects in group B.

4. UV Students: 2nd Year

At the beginning of the course, in the month of November, students must apply for the Erasmus program for the following year and it is an essential requirement to present at this time the B2 certificate in French for this purpose.

This international qualification allows students to continue in the program with a maximum of two failed subjects in the 2nd year. Those who fail three or more subjects will not be able to continue in the program, continuing their studies in the UV Law Degree.

At the end of the course, and in order to carry out the mobility in 3rd year at the University of Toulouse, students who continue in the program will have to draw up the study contract on the mobility platform (through the student portal, following the instructions of the International Relations Service of the UV) including the L3 subjects (License 3) that will indicate the University of Toulouse and the corresponding UV subjects of the 3rd year of the Bachelor in Law. The contract must be completed and closed on the platform before the self-registration of the following year and must be signed by the coordinators of both universities.

5. UV Students: 3rd Year

In the self-enrollment of the third year will be included the "international credits" that will be preloaded in the application (a total of 60 credits) and, if applicable, of the failed subjects of the 2nd year (a maximum of two) that must be taken at a distance. It is important to remember that there is no special treatment in the continuous evaluation for having to take the subjects at a distance.

At the end of the course, a new study contract must be drawn up on the UV mobility platform (through the student portal). The Erasmus status will no longer be recorded, but this contract must also be drawn up and the fixed financial aid foreseen for 4th year students of international degrees must be processed with the International Relations Service of the UV.

The contract must include the subjects of the M1 chosen in Toulouse and the corresponding subjects of the 4th year of the Law Degree: all compulsory subjects (except the TFG), and the itinerary equivalent to the selected M1 of the three open to this program: Business Law, Corporate Law or International-Legal. The contract must be completed and closed on the platform before the self-registration of the following year and must be signed by the coordinators of both universities.

6. UV Students: 4th Year

In the self-registration of the fourth year must be included the "international credits" that will be preloaded in the application (a total of 60) .

7. UT1 Students: 3rd Year

The Secretary's Office of the Faculty of Law automatically registers students coming from Toulouse the week before the beginning of classes in Group B of the 3rd year with teaching in Spanish and morning shift.

Before registration, the passport must be scanned and sent to the Secretary's Office of the Faculty:

Once enrolled, a receipt of administrative fees will be sent to manage the student card, school insurance and obtaining credentials as UV students (username, password and email address

8. Students UT1: 4th Year

The secretary's office of the Faculty of Law automatically registers the students coming from Toulouse the week before the beginning of classes in Group B of the 4th year with teaching in Spanish and morning shift.

Previously (before June 30), an email must be sent to the coordinator of the degree program indicating the preference of the elective itinerary (Business Law, Corporate Law or International Law).

In the compulsory subjects of the 4th year (including Internships and Final Degree Project), the treatment of students of this Double Degree follows the ordinary requirements and procedures, without any special or preferential procedure in the choice of internship center or choice of topics / TFG tutors.

9. Contact

Academic officer

Profª Dra. Carmen Azcárraga ( )

Administrative officer

Jordi Ferrer (