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Conferences’ presentation

López Martín, Ramón; Vázquez Navarro, Isabel

Presentation of the rules of the RAGALO Awards

Martínez Usarralde, María Jesús

Service Learning in rural school: past and future in education

Ferrando Félix, Sergio

Integrating AICLE and Service Learning: An innovative methodology for the educational change in SLT

Puig Bañuls, Ester

After Service Learning... Is there anything left to do?

Cano Ramírez, Ana

With a daily image we can go to great lenghts

Morales, Marcos; Soriano, Guillermo; Ferrero, Borja; Micó, Sara; Soria, Pilar

From the learning landscapes through the senses to the university-primary-secondary school services: a cooperative and self-apprenticeship proposal

Caro Carmona, Alejandro

The student’s experience in Legal Clinic by Social Justice

Mira Aguado, María; Miralles Aguado, Miguel; Núñez Ávila, María Dolores

Service Learning to the Degree in Children Education: a proposal from Physical Education

García Puchades, Wenceslao; Chiva Bartoll, Óscar

Service Learning in learning environment of a second language. A field to explore

Alcantud Díaz, María

Health’s workshops in Charity House

Miralles Pechuán, María

Sensitizing in animal respect: a didactic proposal in early childhood education

Caballero López, Gloria

Concha Espina communicates

Checa Moya, María

Teaching virtual materials, making science closer

Ponsoda i Martí, Xavier

Other opportunity... in CAM of FE Campanar

Mateos-Aparicio Esteve, Laura; Justiniano Carreño, Shirley; Gallardo Andreu, Antonio; Casino Ortega, Ricardo

A doctoral thesis on Service Learning in the didactics of physical education: an exciting experience

Capella Peris, Carlos

The Legal Clinic for Social Justice: 10-year balance developing the Service Learning

Mestre i Mestre, Ruth M.; Gascón Cuenca, Andrés

Closing of the 1st Service Learning Conference at the UV

Martínez Usarralde, María Jesús; Caparrós Gutiérrez, Jordi