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Assessment criteria of the Master’s Degree Final Project

The Master’s Degree Final Project should focus on the study and detailed analysis of a specific aspect of History of Art and Visual Culture in any environment or period of time, but its main objective is to show the research capacity and the assimilation of the skills acquired in the Master’s.
The Master’s Degree Final Project will be assessed by an assessment committee of the academic pathway, composed of three members, appointed by the Academic Coordinating Committee of the Master’s during the academic year. In an open session, the student will present during 20 minutes a synopsis of the project, focusing on the most relevant aspects of it. Hereafter, the committee can raise questions and suggestions regarding to the work developed in the research.

The assessment of the Master’s Degree Final Project depends on three general requirements:

  1. Report assessed by the tutor of the Master’s Degree Final Project. This will be requested on advance.
  2. Coherence in the project structure, where the general approach, objectives, methodology, state of art, the process followed, analysis of results, conclusions and bibliography should be reflected.
  3. Clarity in the project organisation, proper writing, good image processing and a homogenous quotation and bibliography systems.
  4. Topic or scientific originality of the project and level of personal involvement.
  5. Mastery of oral expression and ability to synthesise during the presentation.

Besides the general requirements for assessment, the rating will also consider the specific requirements of the Course Guide (Virtual Classroom):

  • Writing presentation of the Master’s Degree Final Project 80%
    • Level of suitability of the project to the indications given by the tutor
    • Quality of the state of art of the topic chosen
    • Ability to synthesise
    • Ability to argue showing the mastering in the terminology of the discipline
    • Quality of writing, according to the standards of the discipline
  • Oral presentation of the Master’s Degree Final Project 20%
    • The general assessment system follows the regulations of the University of Valencia approved by the Governing Council on 27 January 2004, pursuant to the RD. 1044/2003 and 1125/2003.

Excerpt of the regulations of the University of Valencia

Assignment of topics, objectives and tutors by the Academic Coordinating Committee. The list of topics and tutors should be published in the noticeboard of the Department.
Letter of engagement valid for one year, signed by the student, the tutor and the director of the Master’s.
The Academic Coordinating Committee should establish the submission requirements of the Master’s Degree Final project, considering that the projects has a comprehensive nature of the knowledge and skills acquired in the Master’s.
The Academic Coordinating Committee should set the format and length of the Master’s Degree Final Project. The students must submit in the Office of the Secretary of the Department three copies of the report of the Master’s Degree Final Project and one CD/DVD containing the supporting information of the project, at least 15 days before the defence date.
The defence date will be established with a minimum of 7 calendar days and this will be published in the noticeboard of the Department.
In the defence of the project, during an open session, the students must present the project during the time established by the CCA and they will undertake a debate with the members of the assessment committee.
The tutors will inform about the work developed by students, they will have advisory capacity but without voting rights, in the assessment committee of the Master’s Degree.