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The final bibliographical list will be in alphabetical order by authors using the following bibliographical rules (ISO 690:1987/ 690-2):


SURNAMES, Name. Title. Place of publication: Publisher or Institution, YEAR.

ALEJOS MORÁN, Asunción. La eucaristía en el arte valenciano. 2 vols. Valencia: Institución Alfonso el Magnánimo (Diputación Provincial de Valencia – C.S.I.C.), 1977.

Exhibitions catalogue or Conference Proceedings.

SURNAMES, Name of the director (dir.) or coordinator (coord.) or curator or first signatory el al. Publication title. (Place of celebration and date of development). Place of publication: Publisher or Institution, YEAR.  

PÉREZ ROJAS, Francisco Javier (curator). Ignacio Pinazo. El humo del amor. (Exhibition held in Valencia, IVAM, from 11-V-2011 to 6-XI-2011). Valencia, IVAM, 2011.

Book chapters, Catalogues or Proceedings.

SURNAMES, Name. “Title of the Chapter” In: SURNAMES, Initial of the director (dir.) or coordinator (coord.) or curator or first signatory et al. Publication title. Place of publication: Publisher or Institution, YEAR, p. initial-final.

BÉRCHER GÓMEZ, Joaquín “Ideario ilustrado y académico valenciano en la renovación de la Catedral de Segorbe”. In: DE LA CALLE, R. (coord.). La Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos en la Valencia ilustrada. Valencia: University of Valencia, 2009, p. 185-208.
BENITO DOMÉNECH, Fernando. “El Primer Naturalismo: Valencia”. In: PÉREZ SÁNCHEZ, A.E. et al., La pintura española del Siglo de Oro. Madrid: Biblioteca Mondadori, 1991, p. 73-85.

Journal articles

SURNAMES, Name. “Title of the article” Title of the Journal, YEAR, vol., no.,p. initial-final.

KURZ MUÑOZ, Juan Alberto. “Una escuela de iconos desconocida: Pskov entre los siglos XIII y XVI”. Ars Longa, 2010, ISS 19, p. 39-56.


SURNAMES, Name. “Title of the article” Title of the Newspaper, date , p. initial-final.

ALDANA FERNÁNDEZ, Salvador.“Una obra del grabador Peleguer”. Levante, 5-V-1967, p. 16


AUTHOR,Titlebook/chapter in Roman numerals, parts in Arabic numerals (Translation data if corresponds. Translation by Name and Surnames Place: Publisher, YEAR).

OVIDIO, Metamorfosis, IV, 150 (Trans. by Antonio Ramírez; Fernando Navarro. Madrid: Alianza, 1995).


Abridged book chapter, verse.

Ez, 44, 2.


SURNAMES, Name. “Contribution title”: In: <dirección URL> (Date of reference:).

CALVO SERRALLER, Francisco. “Vivir del arte: ¿vivir del aire?”. In:http://cultura.elpais.com/cultura/2012/03/09/actualidad/1331325625_161225.html> (29-III-2012).

Music recordings or films.

SURNAMES, Name of the author, composer (comp.) or director (dir.). Title of the work, album, film, documentary [CD Format CD, VHS, DVD, 35mm]. Place and production, YEAR (duration in minutes, Interprets).

KUROSAWA, Akira (dir.). Rashomon [VHS]. Tokyo: Daiei, 1950.


Autonomous Community or Country. Title. Publication, publication date, number, p. initial-final.

Spain. Law 16/1985, 25 of June, of Spanish Historical Heritage. BOE, 29-VI-1985, no. 155, p. 20342-20352.

File documents

Year, month in letters. City.
File, section, folder, dossier, signature.

1766, julio 20. Madrid
Lista de opositores que entregaron sus obras para el concurso trienal de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, de Madrid.
Archivo de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, de Madrid (ASF), Convocatorias de Premios (1766-1808), 6-1/2.

General issues.

  • Up to three authors, separated by semicolon: SURNAMES, Name: SURNAMES, Name; SURNAMES, Name.
  • More than three authors, the first signatory should be indicated et. al.: SURNAMES, Name et. al.
  • If there is a director (dir.), coordinator (coord.) or curator, they will be indicated after the name: SURNAMES, Name (dir.).
  • If references of the same AUTHOR and same YEAR coincide, the references will be ordered adding to the year the letters a, b, cº YEARa, YEARb, YEARcº

SEBASTIÁN LÓPEZ, Santiago. Iconografía del indio americano. Siglos XVI-XVII. Madrid: Publ. Tuero, 1992a.
SEBASTIÁN LÓPEZ, Santiago. Iconografía e Iconología del arte novohispano. Mexico, D.F: Grupo Azabache, 1992b. 

  • If there are several editions the number will be indicated after the title: X ed.
  • If there are several volumes, the total number of volumes is indicated before the place of publication: X vols. and the number of volume of the chapter referenced before the pages: vol. X. p. initial-p. final.
  • The author may be an INSTITUTION and if anonymous, the place of the author is occupied by the FIRST WORD of the title which is not an article or particle.


Footnotes for quotations or clarifications of references must be numbered consecutively, with Arabic numerals. If there is a final bibliographical list, it is recommendable, to abbreviate the footnotes: SURNAMES, Name,
YEAR, p. quoted. Falling that, in the first quotation will be used the complete reference according to the bibliographical proposals and the abbreviated, in the following: SURNAMES, Name,
YEAR (no. of footnote with full reference in brackets), p. quoted.

5ROIG CONDOMINA, Vicente. “El Ateneo científico, literario y artístico de Valencia y su aportación a las artes en el último tercio del siglo XIX”. Ars Longa, 1996, iss.6, p. 107-114.
12 ROIG CONDOMINA, Vicente, 1996 (footnote 5), p. 110.</