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Criteria and regulations for the submission and development of the Master’s Degree final project of History of Art and Visual Culture

(Master’s Degree Final Project Regulations of the University of Valencia, approved by the Governing Council, 6 May 2009. ACGUV 98/2009)

The assignment of topic and tutor will be valid only for the two calls of the Master’s Degree Final Project of the academic year in which the student has enroled. The announcement will be published in the noticeboard and website of the Department (ORM). 
If at the end of the academic year the student has not submitted the Master’s Degree Final Project, in the following academic year he/she should make the assignment process again. The Academic Coordinating Committee (CCA) is not required to maintain the topic or the tutor of the course. (Article 2.3)

The exact time and date for the defence of the projects submitted in each call will be published in the noticeboard o the Departmentwith at least 7 calendar days before the date of the defence. (Article 8.3)

For the defence of the Master’s Degree Final Project; three copies of the projects, one for each member of the Committee and one version in digital format (CD or DVD), containing all the information of the project, as well as its complete report, should be submitted to the Office of the Secretary of the Department. The submission must be made with at least 15 calendar days before the date set for the defence. (Article 7)

The tutor of the Final Master’s Degree Project, in no case, may be part of the tribunal who will assess their student’s project. Otherwise, the tutor must be replaced by a supply professor.
The CCA may appoint at most one professor per 10 students, if they deemed it appropriate. The arrangement of the assessment committees will be announced at the General Postgraduate Service. In the arrangement of the assessment committees the existing provisions on gender equality will be followed, wherever is possible.

The Master’s Degree Final Projects are marked numerically from 0,0 to 10,0 with only one decimal. Moreover, the system of marks; Failed (0,0 to 4,9), Pass (5,0 to 6,9), Notable (B) (7,00 to 8,9), Sobresaliente or Sobresaliente con Matricula de Honor (A or Distinction) (from 9,00). The members of the committee with voting rights will sign a certificate of the defence in which the numeric marking will appear. In the event that the mark is equal or higher to 9,00 will be indicated if the Matricula de Honor (Distinction) is proposed.

If there is no consensus in the marking between the members of the qualifying committee with voting rights, each of them will submit an individual qualification and a reasoned report. The final mark will be the average of individual marks. The Distinctions corresponding to each call will be assigned among the students proposed for this mark, in a meeting of the committee of the members who have participate in the same. If there is more than one committee, the rating will be done in a joint session of all the members of the committees who have participated in the same. If there is no agreement, the specifications of the article 9.6 of theMaster’s Degree Final Project Regulations of the University of Valencia, approved by the Governing Council, 6 May 2009. ACGUV 98/2009. Only one distinction for every twenty students can be awarded. The awarding of distinctions can only be made once the presentations of the last date for the defence of each of the calls have been completed.

The final mark of all the students presented in each period of the defence will be collected in a joint record. (Article 5.3)

For this, the Academic Coordinating Committee will request to the General Postgraduate Service the corresponding joint record before the 10th of the last month of each period of defence and will submit the record duly completed before the 10th of the first business defence day of the following period of defence. If the deadline falls on a non-business day, the deadline will be extended until the following business day.

Enrolment at the Master’s Degree Final Project. This will be held during the regular enrolment period of the Master’s. For enroling at the Master’s Degree Final Project is needed to be enroled at all the credits of the Master’s, with the restriction of enroling at 60 ECTS maximum per academic year. (Article 3.2)

Assignment of tutors This will be formalised, once the enrolment process has finished, by filling in a commitment agreement/document between the student, tutor and Director of the Master’s. (Article 3.3) (Form on the Office of the Secretary of the Department)

Calls It should be consulted the call of the corresponding course.

Submission of the Master’s Degree Final Project. To be able to defend Master's Degree Final Project, it must be deposited three printed copies of it before the date established in the office of Department of Art History, besides of deposit in platform entreu.


Format and length of the Master’s Degree Final Project

  • Text in 1.5 line-spaced, doubled-sided printed, 12-point font size. The illustrations can be submitted printed and, with higher quality in digital format in a CD/DVD.
  • The work should be bound so all the printed and attached material may be not lost after its submission and for facilitating the reading to the members of the assessment committee.
  • The maximum length is 200.000 characters (including spaces), equivalent to a maximum of 80 text pages, without illustrations, picture captions or maps, bibliography and appendix.
  • The project should focus on the study and detailed analysis of a specific aspect of History of Art and Visual Culture in any environment or period of time, but its main objective is to show the research capacity and the assimilation of the skills acquired in the Master’s.
  • The language of the project should be in any of the official languages of the Valencian Community, although the Academic Coordinating Committee can admit the submission of projects in English or French language, previous request of the person concerned.
  • The author must indicate specifically the bibliography and sources used, so the personal contribution of the author on the knowledge of the topic can be distinguished.
  • Any other practical information is referred to the tutors of the corresponding projects.

Master’s Degree Final Project. The Master’s Degree Final Project will be assessed by an assessment Committee appointed at the beginning of the academic year by the Master’s Academic Coordinating Committee. The Assessment Committee will be composed of one chairperson and two members, preferably professors of the Master’s. The Academic Coordinating Committee will have also three supply members.

Master’s Degree Final Project Defence. The defence of the Master’s Degree Final Project will be made in open session. The students must present the project during the time established by the CCA and they will undertake a debate with the member of the assessment committee.

Marks. Once the project has been defended, the committee and the tutor will be established as qualifying committee of the Master’s Degree Final Project. The tutors of the Master’s Degree Final Project will be members of the qualifying committee, in an advisory category, and they will inform about the work developed by the student.

Special Awards. The Academic Coordinating Committee can propose to the Governing Council the awarding of Special Awards of Master’s Degree under the conditions laid down in the Article 10 of the Master’s Degree Final projects of the University of Valencia, approved by the Governing Council, 6 May 2009. ACGUV 98/2009.