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Senior i El Cor Brutal in concert at the Rector Peset Hall of Residence
Senior i El Cor Brutal in concert at the Rector Peset Hall of Residence

On 2 December, Senior i El Cor Brutal will give a unique concert at the University of Valencia. As a duo with Miquel Landete on vocals and Endika on acoustic piano, they will unveil songs from P O S T, their new album to be released next year. They will also review their 15-year career by playing songs with different instruments. An old new way of interpreting the repertoire of Senior and his Cor Brutal, going to the core, where songs speak directly to the listener and interaction with the audience grows and becomes intimate and direct. With a more European, less Yankee sensibility. In the style of Ute Lemper, Kurt Weill or Edith Piaf. Village cabaret, Valencian vaudeville.


Date 2 december 2022 at 18:00 to 19:30. Friday.


Rector Peset Hall of Residence

Organized by

Servei de Llengües i Política Lingüística.



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