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The Master of Permanent Education in Creative Writing (MEC) provides students with a comprehensive view of all issues related to literary training and creative writing. The training provided by the MEC subsequently favors employability, since it is presented as a space for theoretical and practical exploration. Students will thus have the opportunity to deepen both the techniques and the mechanisms of production of various literary discourses, with the aim of mastering the different aspects of professional writing.

The MEC focuses on the relevance of different genres and aspects linked to literary tradition: fiction writing (mimetic and non-mimetic genres); theory and practice of poetry and theater; reception and reworking of tradition or forms of editing and tools for communication.

Finally, students will individually develop a Master's Final Thesis of a creative nature where they will present an original writing project.

The advantages of taking the Master of Permanent Education in Creative Writing (MEC) are:

  1. To have a highly qualified training in the professional aspects of creative writing.
  2. To stimulate artistic production and enhance creativity.
  3. To foster the acquisition of linguistic skills in relation to the creative possibilities of language.
  4. To deepen the knowledge of discursive and stylistic structures and typologies.
  5. To train in knowledge that will allow a critical evaluation of the different literary models and genres.
  6. To know the different processes, techniques and tools of editing and communication.
  7. To encourage dialogue, reflection and exchange of opinions on creative texts through classroom work and presence.
  8. To develop the creative skills to carry out an autonomous, original and research work in the literary field.








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