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1st year

Coordination: Ramón Rosselló Ivars
Total credits: 60 | Mandatory: 24 Basic training: 36
Code Name Credits Type (of subject) Course syllabus, schedules, exams
35397Medieval and modern Catalan literature6CompulsoryCheck info
35660Norms and correct usage of Spanish6BasicCheck info
35395Analysis and criticism of Catalan theatre6CompulsoryCheck info
35381Orientation, resources and techniques for Catalan Philology6BasicCheck info
35661Catalan language6BasicCheck info
35383Formal oral communication in the Catalan language6CompulsoryCheck info
35663Latin 16BasicCheck info
35401Contemporary Catalan literature6CompulsoryCheck info
35664Literary theory6BasicCheck info
35382History of the Crown of Aragon6BasicCheck info

2nd year

Coordination: Assumpció Bernal Giménez
Total credits:60 | Mandatory: 36Basic training: 24
Code Name Credits Type (of subject) Course syllabus, schedules, exams
35425Slavic literatures6BasicCheck info
35787Literature (2nd language): Arabic6BasicCheck info
35788Literature (2nd language): French6BasicCheck info
35730German language 16BasicCheck info
35398Medieval Catalan Literature I6CompulsoryCheck info
35430Introduction to the philosophy of language6BasicCheck info
35735English language 16BasicCheck info
35786Literature (2nd language): German6BasicCheck info
35794Reading of Spanish classics6BasicCheck info
35665Linguistics6BasicCheck info
35732Italian language 16BasicCheck info
35734Chinese Language 16BasicCheck info
35438Russian language 16BasicCheck info
35731French language 16BasicCheck info
35736Portuguese language 16BasicCheck info
35384Catalan syntax6CompulsoryCheck info
35385Catalan morphology6CompulsoryCheck info
35427Greco-Latin Literature6BasicCheck info
35792Literatures of East Asia I6BasicCheck info
35733Arabic language 16BasicCheck info
35386Catalan phonetics and phonology6CompulsoryCheck info
35402Contemporary genres I6CompulsoryCheck info
35790Literature (2nd language): English6BasicCheck info
35394Analysis and criticism of Catalan poetry6CompulsoryCheck info
35789Literature (2nd language): Italian6BasicCheck info
35791Literature (2nd language): Portuguese6BasicCheck info
Elective subjects0Optatiu

3rd year

Coordination: Gemma Lluch Crespo
Total credits: 60 | Mandatory: 48Optional: 12
Code Name Credits Type (of subject) Course syllabus, schedules, exams
35389Dialectology and registers of the Catalan language6CompulsoryCheck info
35392Historical grammar of the Catalan language6CompulsoryCheck info
35393Analysis and criticism of Catalan narrative6CompulsoryCheck info
35403Contemporary genres II6CompulsoryCheck info
35387Linguistic assessment in the Catalan language6CompulsoryCheck info
35390History of the Catalan language I6CompulsoryCheck info
35399Medieval Catalan Literature II6CompulsoryCheck info
35388Catalan sociolinguistics6CompulsoryCheck info
Elective subjects12Optatiu

4th year

Coordination: Gonçal López-Pampló Rius
Total credits: 48 | Mandatory: 24External internships: 6Optional: 18TFG: 12
Code Name Credits Type (of subject) Course syllabus, schedules, exams
35396Linguistic-discursive commentary of texts in the Catalan language6CompulsoryCheck info
35391History of the Catalan language II6CompulsoryCheck info
35400Catalan literature of the Modern Age6CompulsoryCheck info
35404Contemporary genres III6CompulsoryCheck info
35412Traineeship in Catalan philology6InternshipsCheck info
35415Degree Final Project in Catalan philology12Final degree projectCheck info
Elective subjects18Optatiu

Elective subjects

Code Name Credits Type (of subject) Course syllabus, schedules, exams
35745SinSpanish syntax6ElectivesCheck info
35408Edition of texts in the Catalan language6ElectivesCheck info
35778Chinese language 36ElectivesCheck info
35755Literature and culture in the German language 16ElectivesCheck info
35757Arabic language 26ElectivesCheck info
35758Arabic language 36ElectivesCheck info
35760Literature and culture in the Arabic language 16ElectivesCheck info
35761Literature and culture in the Arabic language 26ElectivesCheck info
35768Italian language 36ElectivesCheck info
35771Literature and culture in the Italian language 26ElectivesCheck info
35440Greek I6ElectivesCheck info
35746Contemporary Spanish-American readers6ElectivesCheck info
35754German language 46ElectivesCheck info
35763French language 36ElectivesCheck info
35739English language 46ElectivesCheck info
35743Contemporary Spanish readers6ElectivesCheck info
35407The literary circuit in the Catalan language6ElectivesCheck info
35410Catalan as a first and second language6ElectivesCheck info
35776Literature and culture in the Portuguese language 26ElectivesCheck info
35779Introduction to the Japanese language6ElectivesCheck info
35766Literature and culture in the French language 26ElectivesCheck info
35323Recent developments in the literary theory6ElectivesCheck info
35405Catalan semantics, lexicology and phraseology6ElectivesCheck info
35442Latin II6ElectivesCheck info
35780Literatures of East Asia 26ElectivesCheck info
35777Chinese language 26ElectivesCheck info
35756Literature and culture in the German language 26ElectivesCheck info
35759Arabic language 46ElectivesCheck info
35772Portuguese language 26ElectivesCheck info
35773Portuguese language 36ElectivesCheck info
35738English language 36ElectivesCheck info
35740Introduction to English literature6ElectivesCheck info
35411Culture and literature in the Catalan language for children and teenagers6ElectivesCheck info
35781Linguistic typology of the languages of East Asia6ElectivesCheck info
35762French language 26ElectivesCheck info
35767Italian language 26ElectivesCheck info
35774Portuguese language 46ElectivesCheck info
35741American Literature 1: from the origins to the 19th century6ElectivesCheck info
35441Greek II6ElectivesCheck info
35443Latin III6ElectivesCheck info
35775Literature and culture in the Portuguese language 16ElectivesCheck info
35752German language 26ElectivesCheck info
35765Literature and culture in the French language 16ElectivesCheck info
35769Italian language 46ElectivesCheck info
35770Literature and culture in the Italian language 16ElectivesCheck info
35744Spanish phonetics and phonology6ElectivesCheck info
35406Catalan lexicography and onomastics6ElectivesCheck info
35444Greco-Roman religion and mythology6ElectivesCheck info
35753German language 36ElectivesCheck info
35764French language 46ElectivesCheck info
35737English language 26ElectivesCheck info
35742Spanish morphology6ElectivesCheck info
35322Recent developments in Linguistics6ElectivesCheck info
35409Spanish-Catalan translation6ElectivesCheck info