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Adaptation to new undergratuate degrees

For students who did not complete a phased-out degree: Diplomatura (3-year Bachelor’s Degree), Ingeniería Técnica (3-year Degree in Engineering), Ingeniería (5-year Degree in Engineering) or a Licenciatura (5-year Bachelor’s Degree)

Completed subjects in your ‘old’ academic record will be validated by corresponding subjects in the new degree programme in accordance with the Equivalence Chart set for each degree (see below), establishing equivalences with previous degree programmes.

If the degree of correspondence between subjects is high, the grade/mark obtained in the original subject is also transferred. If two or more original subjects are needed to establish the equivalence, the transferred grade will be the weighted average. If the grade in one of the original subjects were an A+ (Sp. matrícula de honor), this will be also transferred to the new record if and only if the weighted average is higher than 9 (out of 10).

For the purposes of adaptation to the current degree programme, the following Equivalence Chart is used for reference, and the four exam attempts for each subject set by the regulations are observed

Equivalence chart for the current degree programme

Licenciado en Filología Catalana (Plan 2000)

Previous degree Type of subject Type of subject Degree
Spanish Language Obligatorio Basic Training Norms and correct usage of Spanish
Alemán (Segunda Lengua) I Troncal Optativo German language 1
French (Second Language) I Troncal Optativo French language 1
Arabic (Second Language) I Troncal Optativo Arabic language 1
English (Second Language ) I Troncal Optativo English language 1
Italiano (Segunda Lengua) I Troncal Optativo Italian language 1
Portugués (Segunda Lengua) I Troncal Optativo Portuguese language 1
Ruso (Segunda Lengua) I Troncal Optativo Russian language 1
Latín Troncal Basic Training Latin 1
Basic Formation of Catalan Language Obligatorio Obligatorio Catalan phonetics and phonology
Basic Formation of Catalan Language Troncal Basic Training Catalan language
Contemporary Catalan Literature Obligatorio Obligatorio Contemporary Catalan literature
Contemporary Catalan Literature Troncal Obligatorio Contemporary genres I
Theory of the Literature Troncal Basic Training Literary theory
Literatura Alemana Troncal Optativo Literature (2nd language): German
French Literature Troncal Optativo Literature (2nd language): French
Arabic Literature Troncal Optativo Literature (2nd language): Arabic
English Literature Troncal Optativo Literature (2nd language): English
Literatura Italiana Troncal Optativo Literature (2nd language): Italian
Literatura Portuguesa Troncal Optativo Literature (2nd language): Portuguese
Literatura Rusa Troncal Optativo Slavic literatures
Spanish Literature Optativo Optativo Reading of Spanish classics
Introduction to Medieval Catalan Literature Obligatorio Obligatorio Medieval and modern Catalan literature
Introduction to Medieval Catalan Literature Troncal Obligatorio Medieval Catalan Literature I
Introduction to Catalan Syntax Obligatorio Obligatorio Catalan syntax
Introduction to Catalan Syntax Troncal    
Catalan Syntax Troncal    
Introduction to Analysis of Catalan Narrative and Poetry Obligatorio Obligatorio Analysis and criticism of Catalan narrative
    Obligatorio Analysis and criticism of Catalan poetry
Linguistics Troncal Basic Training Linguistics
Introduction to Catalan Theater Analysis Obligatorio Obligatorio Analysis and criticism of Catalan theatre
Historia del Pensamiento Filosófico y Científico Optativo Basic Training Introduction to the philosophy of language
Arabic (Second Language) II Optativo Optativo Arabic language 3
Italiano (Segunda Lengua) II Optativo Optativo Italian language 3
Portugués (Segunda Lengua) II Optativo Optativo Portuguese language 3
Literary Theory Last Trends Optativo Optativo Recent developments in the literary theory
Análisis Lingüísticodiscursivo de Textos Catalanes Optativo Obligatorio Linguistic-discursive commentary of texts in the Catalan language
Present Catalan Literature Optativo Obligatorio Contemporary genres III
Catalan Literature from XVI to XVIII Centuries Optativo Obligatorio Catalan literature of the Modern Age
Linguistic Planification Applied to Catalan Optativo Obligatorio Catalan sociolinguistics
Catalan Sociolinguistics Optativo    
Oral Expression Techniques in Catalan Language Optativo Obligatorio Formal oral communication in the Catalan language
Catalan Philology Bibliography and Documentation Optativo Basic Training Orientation, resources and techniques for Catalan Philology
Techniques of Written Expression in Catalan Language Optativo    
Catalan Literature of XX Century Troncal Obligatorio Medieval Catalan Literature II
Catalan Literature of XX Century Troncal Obligatorio Contemporary genres II
Historical Grammar of Catalan Language Obligatorio Obligatorio Historical grammar of the Catalan language
History of Catalan Language Troncal Obligatorio History of the Catalan language I
    Obligatorio History of the Catalan language II
Catalan Morphology Troncal Obligatorio Catalan morphology
Intercultural Pragmatics Optativo Optativo Recent developments in Linguistics
Comentario Filológico de Textos Catalanes Optativo Optativo Edition of texts in the Catalan language
Curso Monográfico de Historia de la Lengua Catalana Optativo    
Historia de la Normativa Catalana Optativo    
Medieval Catalan Culture Optativo Basic Training History of the Crown of Aragon
Catalan Dialectology Optativo Obligatorio Dialectology and registers of the Catalan language
Catalan as First and Second Language Optativo Optativo Catalan as a first and second language
Lexicología y Semántica Catalanas Optativo Optativo Catalan semantics, lexicology and phraseology
Lengua Catalana: Problemas Actuales Optativo Obligatorio Linguistic assessment in the Catalan language
Applied Linguistics refered to Catalan Optativo    
Catalan Literature for Children and Teenagers Optativo Optativo Culture and literature in the Catalan language for children and teenagers
Lexicografía e Historia del Léxico Catalán Optativo Optativo Catalan lexicography and onomastics
Onomástica Catalana Optativo    
Teoria y Práctica de la Tradución al Catalán Optativo Optativo Spanish-Catalan translation
Prácticas Externas de Filología Catalana Optativo Obligatorio Traineeship in Catalan philology
Prácticas Externas de Filología Catalana Optativo