Universitat de ValènciaFacultat de Psicologia Logo del portal


1. ADMISSION. I have studied in foreign education systems, what do I have to do to enrol in the degree programme

In order to enrol in any degree at the universities of the Valencian Community you have to go through a pre-enrolment process. This process has different routes depending on the type of access degree and the countries in which they have been studied.

The purpose of this pre-enrolment process is to award a score that will be used to establish whether the student will be admitted to the degree programmes they are interested in (the number of places is limited) and an order of priority in the enrolment process that determines the preference in the choice of places. The cut-off mark for admission to the Degree in Psychology for the general quota (Bachelor+PAU/CFGS/CFGS/CFGS+voluntary PAU phase) for the 2022-2023 academic year was 10.752 points, in a range from 0-14 points.

The purpose of this pre-enrollment process is to award a grade that will be used to establish whether the student is admitted to the degrees that are of interest to you (the number of places is limited) and an order of preference for enrollment that determines the preference in the choice of places. The grade for the admission to the Psychology degree for the general quota (Bachelor+PAU/CFGS/CFGS/CFGS+voluntary PAU phase) for the 2022-2023 academic year, has been 10,752 points, in a range that goes from 0-14 points.

In order to participate in this pre-enrollment process, there are two ways:

A.Students from the European Union or with an access agreement (Andorra, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and China) or having completed the European or international bachelor:

If you belong to the European Space or to a country with an access agreement with Spain, you need the following :

  • Certification of the university entrance grade, issued by the UNED (Universitat Nacional d'Educació a Distància). To apply for it you have to contact them (Web page https://unedasiss.uned.es/home). With this process you will obtain a score between 0 and 10 points in the pre-enrollment.
  • Specific Competences Tests. To complement the previous grade, the UNED carries out specific tests to which you can take, at most, 6 subjects out of the 14 that are offered. The following link explains everything more technically (link to UNED's Admission and Admission Procedure). As the document explains, 4 of the subjects of which you take the exams can be among the 14 offered, but the other 2 subjects, in the case of our degree, you must choose between Biology, Physics, Mathematics or Chemistry if you want to reach the maximum score of 14 points; otherwise, you can get at most 10 points. 
  • In addition, only for countries with an access agreement, the UNED can include in the accreditation the grades of these subjects that have been obtained through external assessment tests at your school, even if you have not taken the PCE.
  • With the certificate of the UNED's access grade, you will carry out the Pre-registration, which is done electronically. On the UV website you can find the access links, terms, etc. (link UV Website). This process should open in mid-June.
  • Finally, if you are accepted in the pre-enrollment process, we will inform you of the date and time of enrollment. This process should open in early/mid July.

You can find more information at the following UV link: UV Website link.

B.Foreign students without access agreement (other countries):

If you do not belong to the European Space or to a country with which there is an access agreement with Spain, you need the following:

  • Certification of the university entrance qualification, issued by the UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia). To apply for it you have to contact them (https://unedasiss.uned.es/home).
  • With this process you will obtain a mark between 0 and 6 points in the pre-registration; insufficient for admission to the degree in Psychology, in which the cut-off point for access has been 10,824 points.
  • Specific Skills Tests. To complement the previous note, the UNED carries out specific tests to which you can take a maximum of 6 subjects out of the 14 that are offered. The attached document explains everything more technically. As the document explains, 4 of the subjects you take can be among the 14 offered, but the other 2 subjects, in the case of our degree, you have to choose between Biology, Physics, Mathematics or Chemistry if you want to reach the maximum score of 14 points; otherwise, you can get a maximum of 10 points.
  • With the certification of the access grade of the UNED you would do the pre-enrolment, which is done online. On the UV website you can find links to access, deadlines, etc. (link pre-enrolment information UV). This process usually opens in mid-June.
  • Finally, if you are admitted to the pre-enrolment process, we will inform you of the date and time of enrolment. This process usually opens in early/mid-July.

You can find more information on the following link of the UV: (link UV website)

If you have completed university studies in your country, there is another way to access, through pre-enrolment by the contingent of university graduates (link UV website). For this route, you must first obtain the equivalence of the average mark of your university studies, which you must do at the Spanish Ministry of Education; I attach a pdf with information and links to get it. With the resolution awarding you your grade and the original academic certificate (legally translated, if necessary), you will be able to apply directly for pre-enrolment.

We recommend that you also read these frequently asked questions, as they will help you to understand certain issues:: link Frequently Asked Questions for Admission

In this other link you will find relevant information for enrolment in case you are admitted:  link General aspects of enrolment

We also indicate where to find the Psychology guide for this course, where you can find an explanation of the syllabus and interesting information about how the degree works link Psychology Student Guidelink Speech Therapy Student Guide

The teaching modality is totally face-to-face and attendance is compulsory, as the classes are theoretical and practical.

We have groups in Spanish, groups in Valencian and one in English (for which a minimum level of B2 must be documented). The English group is in the mornings, and the others are both in the mornings and afternoons, but THE GROUP IS CHOSEN AT THE TIME OF ENROLMENT FROM AMONG THOSE THAT ARE FREE, SO YOU CANNOT KNOW A PRIORIATIVELY WHICH GROUPS WILL BE AVAILABLE, AND YOU MAY HAVE TO ENROL IN ONE IN VALENCIAN. Enrolment is done in descending order of the grade of access to the degree.

2. TRANSFER OF TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS. I am studying at a university other than the Universitat de València, in one of the degrees offered by the Facultat de Psicologia i Logopèdia, can I transfer my transcript to continue my studies at the Universitat de València?

There is no possibility of direct transfer.
You have two options to study at the Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy::

  1. Access to the degree through the University Prescription. You can find information on how to pre-register for the degree programme by clicking on the following link: Link to information on University Pre-enrolment
  2. Apply for Continuing Studies, after fulfilling the requirements established for the degree:
    • Degree in Psychology: To have passed the first full course of the Bachelor's Degree in Psychology at the University of Valencia, depending on the recognition of credits granted by the Academic Committee of the Bachelor's Degree in Psychology. Therefore, the subjects that must be recognised/validated from our syllabus are the following:

      36244 Statistics I (6 credits)
      36245 Statistics II (6 credits.)
      33296 Fundamentals of Psychobiology (6 credits)
      33302 Perception and Attention (6 credits)
      33303 Psychology of Learning (6 credits)
      33298 Psychology of the Vital Cycle I (6 credits)
      33299 Psychology of Life Cycle II (6 credits)
      33304 Physiological Psychology I (6 credits)
      33300 Social Psychology I (6 credits)
      33301 Social Psychology II (6 credits)

      There are 8 places available in the Degree in Psychology for this quota (5 by recognition of Spanish studies and 3 by partial validation of foreign studies).

    • Degree in Speech Therapy: To have passed 45 credits according to the recognition of credits granted by the Academic Committee of the Degree in Speech Therapy.
       There are 5 places available on the Degree in Speech Therapy for this quota.

These requirements, as well as information for the presentation of the application, are included in an informative document that can be accessed from the following link: Information document Continuation of Partial Studies..

We have a history of previous recognitions/validations requested for subjects taken in different degrees and universities: Background table for Psychology degree , Background table for Speech Therapy degree

Regarding the Psychology degree, currently only the UNED and the UOC have subjects recognised/validated with the subjects corresponding to the entire first complete year (essential requirement for continuing studies). See recognition/validation of these subjects in the following link  Information document Recognitions UNED and UOC.

If the subject you are taking does not appear in this background table, you can consult our syllabus at the following link and get an idea of whether you could meet this requirement: : Psychology syllabusSpeech Therapy syllabus.

In each of the subjects, in the link "See file", you can find the teaching guide of the subject (syllabus).

The criterion for the recognition of credits is that there is a coincidence of at least 75% in dedication and content between the studies you have taken and those offered at our centre.

More information about the procedure can be found at the following link: Admission procedure for continuation of official Spanish and foreign university studies

3. RECOGNITION OF UNIVERSITY PARTICIPATION ACTIVITIES. I have done university participation activities, I can recognise/validate optional credits for these activities?.

Students can include up to a maximum of 6 credits in their transcript through University Participation Activities.
The requirements for the recognition of university participation activities are as follows:

  • The application must be submitted in the academic year in which the student registers for all the credits needed to complete the Bachelor's Degree.
  • Que aquestes activitats apareguen com a recognoscibles en el llistat publicat en la pàgina web de la Universitat de València (Link activities UV participation).
  • They have been carried out while you are studying for your degree.

If you are studying for a degree in Psychology, you may want to recognise 4.5 credits for participation activities in order to avoid taking an optional subject. For the Bachelor's Degree in Speech Therapy, the credits you would need for the same objective are: 3 credits.

On completing the last registration, the student may not register for an optional subject and in September apply for recognition of the credits obtained for the activities carried out. Before registering for the course for which recognition is to be requested, students should check that the participation activity carried out (accredited by means of the corresponding certificate) meets the conditions for recognition, in order to avoid missing optional credits in the registration. This verification will be carried out at the Secretary's Office of the Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy.

The recognised credits will be added to the transcript as University Participation Activities with a grade of APTO. Therefore, it completes the academic transcript in credits, without influencing the evaluation of the same. 

Processing. The student will request the incorporation of the credits, in a telematic way through the Electronic Registry of the University of Valencia in the following link Access to the Electronic Registry. Clicking on "University User", and advancing in the flaps of the application you must check that the data are correct and fill in the field Facts and Reasons and in the field Request: "I request incorporation to my file of university participation activities". You must attach the certificates of the activities carried out as files.
Once the application has been received, we will issue a receipt for the credits whose recognition is requested.

For the purposes of the grant application, it must be taken into account that credits corresponding to recognised participation activities will appear as incorporated, but "not enrolled".

4. TFG. I do not have time to prepare the TFG neither in June nor in July. I want to expose the TFG in January of next year. What procedures should I do?

The calls for the defense of the TFG in January and March correspond to exam calls for the following year, therefore the first procedure that must be carried out is the registration of the TFG for the following year. As in previous courses, the student will receive the corresponding registration appointment.

If you want to keep the tutor and the thematic line, you must communicate it to the tutor of your TFG before finishing the course. Otherwise, you will have to make the choice of tutor/thematic line for the new course again, like the rest of the students, on the dates that will be communicated in due course.

In the event that you only need the TFG to finish the degree and you want to do the defense in January or March, we recommend you make the payment of the credits in a term, in such a way that when you have the note in the file, you can do the title deposit once payment of registration is confirmed.

The presentation calendar of the TFG with the dates of deposit and exhibition will be available once the new course has started (approximately in October) on the website of the Faculty of Psychology and Logopèdia, in the TFG section
It must be borne in mind that both the January, March, and June sessions are the same session (1st Session), so a failure or a no-show would imply that you could only submit to the 2nd Session in July .