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The Universitat de València (UV) Research Management Service is a Central Service which acts as a technical and administrative support structure for the Vice-Rectorate for Research and Science Policy and for the Research Commission, which performs the functions of advice, information, promotion, management, monitoring and justification of the different actions in the area of ​​research.

The Research Management Service assumes the competences related to the implementation of the policies of research and transfer of knowledge, as well as the support and advice in the definition of internal regulations of the UV in its field of competence, the management of the systems of Information, evaluation and monitoring of research policies, or the management of its own aid program, among others.

The UV Research Management is organized internally into three sections and the Technical Secretary:

Resources and R&D & Innovation Support Programs, responsible for the management of human capital calls for research and mobility of R&D & Innovation personnel, justification and economic and administrative follow-up of R&D & Innovation grants for personnel and mobility, the design and management of specific calls for the promotion of R&D & Innovation and the evaluation of R&D & Innovation activity.

Granted R&D & Innovation, which deals with the management of R&D & Innovation projects and public-private collaborative activities, as well as the promotion of participation in national and regional R&D projects and initiatives and the justification and economic-administrative follow-up of R&D & Innovation activities.

Financial Control, Audit and R&D & Innovation Estructural Funds, dedicated to the control of the economic management of R&D & Innovation activities, the justification of contracted R&D & Innovation activities, the management of audits and the application, follow-up and justification of infrastructures and R&D & Innovation structural funds.

Technical Secretary, in charge of managing the scientific production of the UV as well as the management of the Research structures.