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Participation and collaboration forms

Users of the Secretary’s Office of the Faculty of Magisteri can collaborate in the improvement of the service, through the following actions:

Giving their opinion on the quality perceived regarding the services offered by the unit.

Making suggestions that help us to improve.

Complaining when the services offered are not satisfactory.

Receiving attention related to information needs, doubts, issues, etc., which arise in relation to the services rendered by the unit.


Open communication channels

  • Telephone services: 96 3864490
  • Postal services: Avinguda Tarongers, 4. 46022 València
  •  Fax: 96 3864487
  • Email:
  • Personal service: In the facilities of the Secretary’s Office of the Facultat de Magisteri or during the opening hours (9:00 to 14:00, Monday to Friday and 16:00 to 18:00 Tuesday and Thursday).
  • Complains, suggestions and greetings box.

Relief measures

The users who consider that the unit violates the commitments stated in the Services Charter, they may make lodge their complaints through:

Suggestions, complaints and greetings mailbox of the UV.

Document submitted to the Registry Office of the UV, addressed to the Secretary’s Office of the Faculty of Magisteri

In case of breach, the person responsible for the Service Charter will inform by a written report why the commitments have not been fulfilled, and the measures adopted for correcting the detected breach.

Failure to fulfil the commitments included in this Service Charter will not give rise to Administrative liability.