- IUDESCOOP in Youtube
- IUDESCOOP is the Research Vice-President of this inter-university network
- Red ENUIES. Inter-university network of Social Economy Research Centres and Institutes
- IUDESCOOP is the Research Vice-President of this inter-university network
- CIRIEC-Espanya. International Research Centre on Public, Social and Cooperative Economy. Spanish section.
- IUDESCOOP is member of this scientific association’s Management Board and participates in most of its activities.
- GEZKI. Institute of Corporate Law and Social Economy – University of the Basque Country
- CEGEA. Specialisation Centre on Agri-food Companies Management. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
- Chair for Cooperative Studies. University of Castilla-La Mancha
- Escuela de Estudios Cooperativos (School of Cooperative Studies). Complutense University of Madrid
- UIDESCOOP. Research Unit on Social and Cooperative Economy of the UV
- CECOOP. Cooperative Studies Centre. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela